Jan 13, 20202 min

Gwyneth Paltrow Wants You To Smell Her Pussy (Candle) & Make You Cum

Gwyneth Paltrow appears to be either the ultimate troll, twisted sicko or a ground-breaking, entrepreneurial genius.

Netflix Series:The goop lab with Gwyneth Paltrow is a six-episode series, guiding the deeply inquisitive viewer in an exploration of boundary-pushing wellness topics, including: psychedelics, cold therapy, female pleasure, anti-aging, energy healing and psychics. The goop lab launches on Netflix January 24, 2020.

Essentially, the goop lab is the manifestation of navel gazing, feminist studies courses: Decades and decades of self-indulgence, narcissism and wasted years of young women's lives, trying to make their vaginas out to be some mystical Rubik's cube that needs solving.

Something apparently so special it needs a crack-team of detectives to examine it's structure, poke, prod, and roll it through their fingers as if it were Feta cheese. To finally solve the conspiracy of why the vagina will glisten, moisten and cum if touched for too long given proper amounts of pressure and friction!

Don't worry, the trained detectives at the goop lab are on the case!

In This Episode:

  • We start the show off on zero material; we find an email that gives us all but the 5 seconds we need to finish...

  • The goop lab is what happens when women are not busy getting knocked-up and having to raise their own children.

  • Apparently, the female genitalia is more complex than we know....

  • The Epstein case and this Netflix series has a lot in common.

  • Women, when left to their own devices, use their time and resources to play lesbian lab with their friends; make vagina scented candles to sell for $75 a pop.

  • Modern women are coomers.


C|Suite Letter: Three Tiers To Heaven

#podcast #Culture #Satire #Humor