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Texas Special ED teacher indicted for sexting, smooching, soliciting sex and requesting that a nude

A North Texas special education teacher at an all-boys middle school was indicted by a Dallas grand jury on Wednesday following allegations she inappropriately hooked up with an eighth grade male student, exchanged sexually explicit text messages, solicited sex, and kissed the boy.

In March of this year, Grand Prairie police arrested Rebecca Goerdel, 28, after an investigation revealed the second year special education teacher at the Young Men’s Leadership Academy at Kennedy Middle School behaved inappropriately with an eighth-grader during the 2016-17 academic year.

Breitbart Texas reported that Grand Prairie Independent School District officials learned of her alleged improper attachment to the boy after school dismissal on March 10. They placed Goerdel on administrative leave immediately. Local law enforcement then launched a probe which resulted in her arrest.

Grand Prairie police found sexually explicit text messages between Goerdel and the underage boy, some which were from “third party apps that have seen been deleted,” according to WFAA. On March 11, a detective texted Goerdel from the boy’s phone. Believing it was the boy, she responded by asking him to spend the night with her. An arrest warrant also alleged that Goerdel acted inappropriately by sitting on the boy’s lap in her car “and they made out” but she said they never had sex. The improper sexual relationship purportedly began in January when Goerdel sent a nude photo of herself in a tanning bed to the minor and asked him to sketch a picture of her.

On March 24, Grand Prairie ISD Superintendent Susan Hull said in a statement: “This kind of conduct is outrageous and will not be tolerated.” She continued: “The teacher-student relationship is sacred. It reflects a vow from teachers to parents that their children are safe – as safe as they would be at home. When a teacher in Grand Prairie ISD breaks that vow, he or she will be dealt with quickly and aggressively. I encourage law enforcement to pursue all available action.”

After the grand jury handed down this week’s indictment, Grand Prairie ISD officials released a similar statement to the one they issued in March. This time, though, the school district added they were “pleased that law enforcement has doggedly pursued this matter and that Goerdel is being held responsible for her conduct.”


It seems as though alot is going on in Texas right now. There has been a hurricane of Female Teacher Sex Scandals flooding the news desk, and this one just comes right at the same time as our last girl, Katherine Harper.

Now, there isn't a whole lot of juicy details on this one and I think we can all deduce, even before we grade Goerdel, that she is not the type of teacher that would be on a young mans boner patrol. However, what we have here is a Rose from the movie Titanic, wannabe. The best part of this story has to be the soliciting request for our victim to draw our gurl a nude portrait of her.

It states that she apparently "sat on the boys lap in her car" and "made out". Ouch. Given her weight and that her love interest is just going through the stages of puberty, I bet that wasn't the most pleasurable experience; having your legs (boner?) crushed by a grown, curvy, independent woman--that looks like she needs to put the cheesecake down. Unless you're into masochism. However, all our gurl wanted to do was to re-enact that famous car scene from Titanic; in where Rose and Jack steamed up the windows and made nude art with their hand prints. That's true love. All Rebecca wanted was someone to love and to love her, for her. All the pounds, all the flabs, and all the chins of China.

Our gurl was clearly desperate for ANY man-meat and was willing to sink her Big Gurl career for a nude sketching of her. You can't get any more solipsistic than that. Titanic was indeed, a huge film back in the day; and many women got the tingles over the love story between Jack and Rose. Two opposites: one poor as fuck and the other spoiled rotten. Yet, they both found each other, on a doomed boat, and had the urge to smash their bits together. Cruises are fun, until the ship runs into the forces of nature. Our gurl's career was doomed from the moment she floated her giant Titanic Tits via third party apps to her love interest. It was only a matter of time before her fantasy would be crushed and fall into the cold depths of Female Teacher Sex Scandal history.

The Report Card

Methodology: This is, without a doubt, poor Game from our gurl. She clearly didn't have a plan and was practically throwing the proverbial noodle to the wall and was trying see what would stick. Older women and technology just dont mix well. If this were one of our young, hot, millennial teachers, we could definitely assume that she'd have tight app game; and a flurry of decent Instawhore photos. I mean, requesting a nude portrait to be sketched? The 1900's called, and they want their love stories back. Boys in middle school don't have the time nor the patience; they can barely do homework these days.

I was going to almost give this category a C- but the fact that our gurl wanted a nude just hilarious to me.


Integrity: The tragic part of Goerdel's tail of nude portrait requests and lap crushing, is that she was dishonest with herself. Believing that your back in college again and that any boy would be happy to slide it in you, is just delusion on a grand scale. Our gurl is only 28, mind you, but she looks post-wall already. All the filters, apps, and tanning salons can only do so much to hide the weathering. The fact that she is a special Ed teacher at an all boys middle school, is just icing on the cake. Its sad when you can't get laid even when the sexual economics are tilted in your favor. Thats a real wake-up call from the alarm bell from the crows nest.


Presentation/looks: This was tough in a way, because our gurl looks drastically different in some of her photos from her prime teaching years as apposed to her mug shot. If it weren't for the magic and illusory mask that make-up provides for women, our gurl and many others just look....hideous. If our gurl was 40, I could let it slide a bit due to mother nature being a cruel cunt with her internalized misogyny for women after they hit the Wall. But, Rebecca is only 28! Come on! Instead of putting all your energy into young, underage boys and getting them to draw your pancake tits with a sketching kit from K-mart, your time would have been better spent hitting the treadmill, putting down the cheesecake, to then find Chad at the local tavern; who is around your age and could maybe relate to the movie Titanic that was filmed two decades ago.


Overall Grade


Case Filed

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