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Substitute teacher and former sorority girl, accused of romps with male student

Allyson Brittany Moran, 26, was arrested Thursday in Illinois, Michigan State Police told the Lansing State Journal. She waived extradition to Michigan on Friday, according to police.

Moran worked as a long-term substitute teacher and girls soccer coach at Stockbridge High School in Mason during the 2016-2017 school year, according to the Journal.

According to an announcement in the Decatur Herald & Review, Moran married Ryan Moran on June 15, 2013. The article gives Moran’s maiden name as Staudenmaier. It also says that Moran was a student at Millikin University in Decatur at the time of her wedding.

An online profile says that Moran was a biology major with a focus on secondary education. Moran is a member of Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Lamda Delta and Sigma Zeta. The bio concludes with, “[Moran] continutes to grow as a person and to-be teacher as a tutor and teaching assistant. She enjoys haiku and its ability to relate to her life.”

Moran was not employed by the school district, but rather by an outside Michigan-based company that staffs schools. She is reportedly no longer working with the school district.

An 18-year-old male student came forward in April alleging he was sexually involved with Moran. He claimed to have sexual intercourse with at her home twice in April, court records show.

The staffing company with which Moran was employed, EDUStaff, put her on leave while it investigated the claims of misconduct.

Moran later told authorities that she did have sexual contact with the student. A detective testified that Moran send nude photos of herself to the student over social media beforehand, the Lansing State Journal reported.

Moran was held in the Macon County Jail in Illinois over the weekend and was transferred to the Ingham County Jail in Michigan Monday night.

The former teacher reportedly faces three felony counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a student, in addition to one misdemeanor count of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a student.


A sorority girl, turned teacher, turned sex-machine/scandal teacher. In just such a short stint, our girl Allyson has shown she can play with the big gurls. Substitute teachers are notorious for their get-in and get-out nature; Moran took that to a wholehearted level. Where most SST's have to put years into their subjects, gain their trust, manipulate, Allyson shows that if your a former Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Lamda Delta and Sigma Zeta, you can pretty much walk into a school and start romping with 17-year olds. Sorority gurls don't wait for dick.

The Report Card

Not much to go on here, which is a shame. But we have to give kudos to our girl for getting in two romps at her home behind her husbands back (who, by the way, looks exactly like some dude who would get a 17-year old.) She did the deed(s) in such a short span of time. Who ratted? Where are the texts? Where is the juice? That is what is disappointing; where is the love story?Methodology:


Being married to a Poindexter(obviously settled) and then trying to relive the glory-hole days of sorority life, all the while being incubated in a teacher role? Priceless. Destroying your career and marriage so early on, even better.It seems Allyson wanted to get back on the cock-carousel after 3 long years of being married, and granted that she is only 26, we can't blame her. I am sure the boy doesn't. We can only blame hormones and biology. However, she could of easily found Chad at the local bar for a nice pump-and-dump session. Almost full marks here.Integrity:


Presentation/looks: If you carefully rummage through her online profile and photos like any good TSS detective, you will note that she looks OK. She is 26, though. She could look better. However, the reason why our gurl looks a bit weathered is most likely due to her being a HUGE party-gurl back in college (which wasn't that long ago). Drinking and miles of dick in you will do that.


Bonus Mark: Allyson gets our Your Name is Your Destiny Award. A Moran who is definitely a moron.

Overall Grade


Case Filed


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