Disclaimer: All of these signs/tells are stackable. A woman isn't a guaranteed, bonifide dong-gobbler if she has one or two of these slut-tells. However, with each stacked trait, she is more than likely a renowned cock-whisperer.
1. She Smokes. You can chalk it up to a psychological need for a phallic object to be in her mouth by the pack, however, smoking is a huge sign of weakness and more importantly; a lack of self-respect and responsibility to ones health. If she is willing to be irresponsible with her body in one way, she is bound to be in another. Smoking also translates into a rebellious nature. Chick's who smoke tend to not give-a-fuck about life and surely, not about who they fuck; just as long as it provides an escape from their misery and the ability to say "fuck you" to daddy at home.
2. Has Tattoos. The more the better. The larger and more sexualized, the better. If she has her tattoos in places where you'd have to get her naked to seem them; jackpot. Tramp-stamp goes without question as it is a visual landing pad for your dumbo-drops of cum. Again, like smoking, women who don't care about their body likely don't care about their pussies either; and how beat up they'll get. Tattoo's are all about attention-whoring and conformity. Attention-whoring is a gateway drug to actual whoring.
3. Dyes Her Hair. I think we are starting to see a theme here, with the attention-whoring. Nothing says "look at me" like a head of neon pink. Chick's who dye their hair are indicating rebellion and impulsiveness that only a child could sanction. No normal person gets up one morning and decides to dye their hair because it might further their career. The girl who decides to destroy her beauty overnight is probably the first girl who is knee-deep in the foam-cannon party at Cancun; sucking multiple dick's provided by DeShawne and Chad.
4. Has the 1,000 cock stare. You either recognize it or you don't. But the stare quite resembles a look of a rubber duck or, "I've circled the drain more than once". Like a Vietnam veteran who has seen his whole platoon perish in a fiery hell-scape, the slut, has seen her soul drown in a sea of cum; foreign and domestic.
5. Has slutty friends. You are the average of your three closest friends. If you notice that most of her friends are seasoned sluts who have had their beef bouquets beaten like Balboa's face by Drago, than chances are her roast-beef dinner roll has had more mayonnaise in it than a coleslaw recipe.
6. Recently started going to Church. Chicks who are 'born again' always do it because they are trying to absolve something. It's the exact same reason why single-moms always tell everyone how "one day" they want to get married; long after all the deadbeats have pumped and dumped their ass. It's all about trying to get society to forgive them and absolve them of their slutty behavior and stupid foresight. You ain't fool'n anyone. If you wanted to get married, why didn't you in the first place?
7. Goes to Raves/EDM concerts/Does MDMA/Ecstasy. Huge sluts. This culture is all about ESCAPE and no responsibility. It is all about the FEELZ. Emotions rule, logic doesn't. When you take drugs that amplify THIS MOMENT and increase sexual desire and arousal, what do you think might possibly happen? These are the nights in where her mouth 'accidentally' falls on Chad's cock.
8. She has a lot of 'guy friends'. This is especially telling if these 'guy friends' consist mostly of Chad with the pint-sized penis, Tyrone with the chocolate-covered cock and DeShawne with the python dong; instead of just beta orbiters; that consist of Chester the poindexter and Benjamin buster-brown.
9. Does Anal/dyes and waxes her asshole. Chicks who propose anal (especially on the first date) are huge sluts. Why? It's mainly because their front door has been kicked in too many times by the local football team. Hence, why would you use the backdoor when the front is optimal for visitors? It;s because its broken, beat-up, and dangerous to be in. Plus, she still needs to save a bit of her pussy for Mr. Right after she is well past thirty, so alternating between the back and front door is optimal.
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10. Has hooked-up with Girls. Usually bi-sexuality is just a cover for hyper-sexuality.
11. Has traveled alone, or with a group of girls to known fuck-fest locations. Girl trips to Las Vegas or to island destinations like Aruba or Jamiaca are up there with slut-cations. Also, chicks who go and study 'abroad' usually intend on fucking Javier or some greasy Italian after meeting him at some hole-in-the-wall restaurant, that's down the back alley of some street in Rome.
12. She has read 'Eat, Pray, Love' or similarly slutty reads. This connects with #11 and goes without saying. Women are followers and will read what other women are reading. They also have a hard time in deciphering reality from fantasy and will actual go and try to fulfill these fantasies. Women are children.
13. Was a dancer/cheerleader at some point in HS or college. These women have/had access to the top-tier horniest of males. You can bet she has had Chad the quarterback give her the bukkake pile-driver at some point during this stint.
14. Went to/ or goes to a known 'party school'. In the United States: Arizona State, USC, UC Santa Barbara. In Canada: Fanshaw (aka-Funshawe), Western, Guelph, Queens, St. Francis Xavier, Bishop's. Chick's are copycats and they will "do" whatever their friends, or whomever their friends, are "doing".
15. Has Instagram/on her phone 24/7. You want to know who she is talking to all day long? I'll give you a hint: It's not her mom.
16. Lost her V-card on the younger side of the scale. The earlier they start, the longer they tend to ride the cock-carousel until the music stops playing. Getting Chad cock so young and having screaming orgasms messes with a young woman's mind and creates an addiction. Getting deep-dicked by the Chaddiest of Chads becomes a search; much like the one for food and shelter.
17. Is 'friends' with local DJ's/Rap-artists or club promoters. This world's gears is lubricated by young pussy. How do you think she got those tickets, poindexter?
18. Is an artist herself, wannabe 'model'. These chicks usually have loose morals because they are usually busy "expressing" themselves and their body all day long.
19. Always has a nice tan, even though she's Canadian. Chicks who have an all year-round tan are either so wealthy that they live in exotic destinations 10 out of the 12 months, OR, they tan artificially at salons. Chicks who tan a lot are obviously nude or semi-nude, often.
20. Has a poor relationship with her Father. Chicks with 'daddy' issues is a classic, but must be noted. Every time she sucks your cock or every dude she fucks, is a big middle finger to her daddy. Gives her more of a mental orgasm than anything.
Whether you use these leading indicators as a means to lay women or to simply avoid wifeing up the village bicycle, these cues should be on every man's slut-dar. Sure, there are probably exceptions to a lot of these. You could run into a missionary with dyed-hair or a tattoo who went to Arizona State, but these are some of the more accurate predictors of sluttieness.