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Kansas Jayhawks' Molly McCarthy Made Us Notice Her Unapologetic Camel Toe, We Grade The KU Women's Team, And Women's Addiction To Their Smartphones

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

I know what most people are going to be thinking when they read this article: "Finally, a blog/website that focuses on the real things that people (men) care about!"

If you are just joining us, and haven't figured it out yet, this series on Hot Volleyball Girls is all about: Noticing things. That's the theme of this whole process. Apparently, in this day & age, when you notice things you get called a racist, a bigot, sexist pig. When you state the obvious, you're the bad guy. That's totally fine with me because I've made a career out of being the 'bad guy'.

Molly McCarthy, if you are reading this, you're wasting your time. Instead, you should book the earliest flight out to where I am in order to have sex with me.

Kansas Jayhawks' Molly McCarthy looks so fine as she sports her unapologetic camel toe numerous times for the camera man during her photo shoots. This, gentlemen is the definition of: Greatness. I'd do at least a 6-month lease on it so my cock could have a warm home to stay in. I'd probably make a huge mess inside; 'repaint the walls' a cream white. I'll pay the deposit for damages because I am sure I'd rearrange everything in there, break a few things, and cause some leaks.

Molly, sugar tits, you have some great qualities. Let's set aside the noticeable camel toe for a moment, as we've all seen it. What's more significant to me, however, is that you have a thigh gap; you're also white; that's a huge plus these days, too. Which means I'd not only talk to you, I would also fuck you right in the pussy.

Grading The KU Women's Volleyball Team

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

View Full Roster Here

Overall Hotness 52.63% ( Below Average)

  • 10 out of the 19 women on Kansas are objectively hot.

  • This is below the industry standard. We are looking for at least 60% (C Grade) or higher as our baseline expectation for an NCAA women's team.

  • The main factor dragging Kansas' overall average down is the demographic makeup of the team (i.e too many black women).

  • The two hottest women on the team are Molly McCarthy & Brynn Kirsch.

Diversity/Inclusion 68.42% White (Poor)

  • 13 out of 19 women on Kansas are white. This is not a fair representation given the fact that the state of Kansas has a white population density of 75.6% as of 2019 statistics.

  • 6 out of 19 women on Kansas are Black or of non-white origins, a 31.58% representation on the team. A shame display of black supremacy and a micro aggression toward whites. This [31.58%] is an overrepresentation since the black population of Kansas is only 5.7% of the total population density.

  • The Kansas women's volleyball team lacks diversity and is clearly racist towards white women with their unfair stacking of black female volleyball players on the team. Almost 1/3 of the team is black. This is dragging Kansas' diversity & inclusion score down and needs to be addressed/adjusted going forward next season.

Player Camel Toe Percentage 21.05 % (Above Average)

  • 4 out of 19 women on the team have produced a camel toe in at least one of their photo shoots/catalog throughout their contract (years) on the team. This is above the industry average according to our recent data.

  • This above average rating is mainly due to the team's commitment to using the recommend Adidas volleyball short for their women. According to our research, a woman's volleyball team will have a higher conversion rate (chance of a female player producing a camel toe) if they go with the Adidas or Under Armour brand for shorts.


The goal of this blog series is to raise the average player camel toe percentage across all teams by making camel toes great again, and encouraging this type of greatness in all female volleyball players.

Make sure to go and share this post right now to applicable social media platforms, 'like' and 'retweet on X. We can make female volleyball players great once again, but more importantly, make tasteful camel toes have a come back the likes we have never seen before!

Women need help from men in order to be great and for their own benefit, too. Women are capable of female greatness (thigh gaps and camel toes) if pushed by a strong masculine frame; a zero tolerance policy.

However, women are truly incapable of most things...

Women Are Incapable Of Putting Their Smartphones Away

A few nights back, I was given a complimentary ticket to a hockey game. This tends to happen often when you're attractive and constantly post outrageous things (the truth) online.

As a writer, when I venture out in public, I tend to notice things that the average person usually misses. The average normie-conformie rarely looks up and hasn't seen the stars or moon in years due to their phone fixation and introspection about their gender identity.

Besides the shitty hockey performance and noting that players have stopped engaging in big hits, roughing, fighting or taking slap shots—since the game has been considerably emasculated over the years—I noticed several other things while sitting in the stands and enjoying two large beers with both hands.

The first thing I observed was that black leggings and Uggs are apparently back in style among women. This fashion trend from the 2000s, which I thought was gone for good, has returned in full swing. My initial reaction was, "Great, camel toes are making a comeback already." I'm not surprised, though, as I began this series about a month ago, stating that my aim was to Make Camel Toes Great Again. It seems my message is reaching women faster than ever. I can sense the change in the cultural climate; I know deep down women want their camel toes to be prominent once more. It is the ultimate asset in order to get maximum attention.

However, during the game I noticed two young women sitting 7 rows below me, both wearing black leggings; one was wearing Uggs. They looked like they were seniors in high school. Another young woman to the left of me, about 4 seats away; she was also wearing black leggings and Uggs.

What do you believe all these girls shared in common, apart from having a vagina and a tendency to conform in their fashion choices? That's correct, all of them were on their phones, for nearly almost the entire three periods of the hockey game.

In today's society, women face multiple addictions. One we discussed in our previous post is women's addiction to porn, specifically through erotic novels. However, the most significant addiction women experience, apart from consuming food excessively, is their dependency on their smartphones and the dopamine rush these devices give them.

From a sample of over 30 thousand people, the daily average smartphone screen time for females was approximately 2 hours and 47 minutes, compared to 2 hours and 34 minutes for males. Male screen time isn't the issue here because most men use their phones to be productive. Men have things called jobs and responsibilities (responsible for women's fuckups, apparently). Anytime I hear a man on the phone he is either talking business or his wife, girlfriend, or daughters are on the other end freaking out about something trivial.

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

The girlfriend or wife is telling him he needs to pay a bill or rent is due; she obviously can't pay it because she has no money, she's a woman and is entitled. The girlfriend got in another car accident or has a flat tire and needs help because all her feminist and gender studies courses never taught her how to actually be strong, brave and independent.

Women ages 16-24 are the worst addicts. These females spend on average about 7 hours and 34 minutes a day online (social media, internet surfing, sending nudes most likely and sexting). Men in the same age group spend 20 minutes less. The average female in the world is online for 7.7 hours a day compared to 6.6 of men. That is mindboggling.

Again, most young men have to work and need to be online because they have a job that requires them to. I need to be online so I can see social trends and patterns, the current zeitgeist in order to write good stories, books and articles. I could spend 6 hours a day looking at hot volleyball girls on various team rosters throughout the NCAA, but you know what, it's work. I am being productive. Hence, you wouldn't be reading this article if I hadn't been so productive. What do women do? They just show up with their camel toe and post a picture of it.

Men have bills to pay. Men don't have a vagina or tits they can show online and get attention and money for. It is very rare that a man can prostitute his body like a woman can in order to 'pay the rent', put food on the table and get free vacations, a house paid for and lavish lifestyle front loaded to them. Argo, men being online for 7 hours a day are productive hours while a woman's time spent is usually in the form of gooning over a erotic novel she found through Booktok, sexting Chad and trying take the perfect tits and ass shot for the gram.

Numerous studies and data have been gathered regarding how many hours per week men typically watch online pornography. Culturally, when we consider porn, the focus is usually on men. This is because society tends to avoid highlighting female nature, as doing so would reveal their sexual strategies.

Have you ever considered why there are no questions or studies about how many hours a week women spend reading erotic novels? It's similar, yet society ignores this and instead focuses on shaming men for watching online porn and its perceived negative effects. However, no one highlights that women also spend considerable time each week reading adult fiction, and in many cases, some adult women (particularly female teachers) engage in sexting minors and sending them explicit images.

Women are the real perverts and gooners of society, it's just been hidden so well and for so long by special interest groups. They spend more time on their phones, they spend considerable more time online than men. They spend more time reading porn than men who watch in. Women prefer to read an erotic novel over watching pornography online because emotional context is more important to them than the visual. However, it's still porn and it effects their brain.

What are they doing on their phones all day? They aren't working or doing anything productive, we know that. Have you ever had female co-workers? All they do throughout the day in their office (witnessed this countless times) is online shop, go on Instagram or Facebook, and yes, read books.

What Are Women Reading? It's Mainly Porn

Erotic adult fiction. Erotic novels generate over 1.44 billion in sales every year and grew by 52% compared to the 12 months ending in 2022.

82% of romance readers are women, and 18% are men.

  • 45% of romance readers have a college degree.

  • The average romance reader is 42 years old.

  • Romance readers are getting younger:

    • 10 years ago, the main romance-reading group was women ages 35 to 54.

    • Today, the main romance-reading group is women ages 18 to 54.

    • 44% of readers purchasing a romance book are ages 18 to 44.

  • 70% of romance readers discover the genre between ages 11 and 18.

  • 35% of romance readers have been fans of the genre for more than 20 years.

  • 59% of romance readers are married or living with their partner.

USA Today bestselling erotica and contemporary romance author Alessandra Torre conducted a survey of more than 800 women readers. In Torre's survey sample, most respondents read 12 or more erotic books a year, doing so via digital downloads rather than paper-based books. The majority of these women were married.

Interesting, because these porn stats look very similar to the profiles of men who consume porn a lot. They tend to be older, and married (unsatisfied).

The two chicks below me at the hockey game were texting, on Snapperchat and taking selfies. Pretty much a waste of two tickets. The scene perfectly encapsulates women in male spaces, particularly in the workplace.

Much like job positions, those two seats could've gone to a boy or a man that actually wanted to be there for the right reasons. Instead, these two young women were taking up space and were only there because Daddy probably got them tickets so they could go there and talk/goon about Chad. I bet if you asked these two chicks if the play was offside or not they'd look at you like you just asked them how to solve for Y in a math equation.

If you'd ask these two girls if they could name the visiting team, they'd give you a blank stare. If you'd ask these two aspiring party girls to look up where the nearest Starbucks was on their phone, they'd complete the task in record time using only their thumb. It's amazing to see women being so efficient when it comes to useless things.

These girls could type so fast on their phone and swipe around apps like it was their day job (probably is). Women are really efficient when it comes to doing things like bothering other people when they are bored at a hockey game; texting their friends about how they are feeling and trying to get other people to text them back so it looks like they are important or busy.

They weren't there to actually watch hockey, they were there to probably goon over the hockey players in hopes that one of them will eventually ask them out and have sex with them someday. That's the whole reason why women even go to hockey games, especially high school girls at OHL (Ontario Hockey League) up here in Canada.

All the players are the same age or a bit older and these girls are just puck bunnies. Hoping that if they give one of these dude's a blowjob, they will remember them when they are rich and famous and will wife them up. This is what is called an opportunity cost when it comes to women. They will go to the rink, even though they know nothing about hockey, just so that they can catch the eye of Chad on blades. Fantasize and goon about the lifestyle of being a hockey player's girlfriend or fucktoy.

The problem with young women these days is that in order to get Chad's attention you first need to put your fucking down and maybe go down closer to ice level and show some ass, or your camel toe in those leggings. Press yourself against the glass a bit so your tits in your white tank top smoosh against the pain and produce two lovely pancakes for him to notice. This is what women use to do back in the day at hockey games before smartphones. Bang on the glass with your hand hands (requires you to put your phone away). Jump up and down whilst screaming his name so he can see your tits jiggle in that tight white tank top of yours. It's called advertising. It's all around the arena, on the boards, on the ice, on the screens.

It's suppose to be in your face, up close and personal in order for it to work. How are you going to stand out from the rest when you are on your phone the whole time wondering why guys won't approach or talk to you?

It's about causing a scene. A good camel toe can do that by the way.

It's just like Molly McCarthy. She would have otherwise just been another girl who plays NCAA volleyball for one of the hundreds of other teams across America. She blends in with the rest. She would have been overlooked if it hadn't been for her stunning bravery and proudly displaying her camel toe for the cameraman and for all of us to notice. She went above and beyond. She went for Greatness. She is with us on this mission of mine to make camel toes great again. To encourage other women to lose weight, diet properly and to wear Adidas volleyball shorts (the best) in order to produce their best camel toe and to live their best life.

Respecting Molly McCarthy & Women In Sports

I know what some of the lurkers who hate-read this blog are probably thinking right now: "Well, wouldn't you just go to NCAA women's volleyball games because you think they're hot?" You're damn right I would, you cock sucker! The only difference between me and these chicks at the hockey game is that I wouldn't be on my phone the entirety of the game. I would get front row seats behind the service line and be observing almost like how a scout would do.

To be honest, it would be work. I'd be there strictly on business for the blog and website. Will I be looking at their tight asses and camel toes? Yes, it's part of the job. I am a professional.

Would I try to make a move on some of the women after the game? Absolutely.

It would be rude not to after seeing them shake their ass in front of me and show their camel toes. How am I suppose to know if they are great volleyball players? I'd have to try and have sex with them. Who knows, I chat a few up, maybe it leads to us showering together, or me finger-blasting them in the locker room.

My point is, I wouldn't be on my phone unlike women at a hockey game. I would be paying attention to the women on the court, trust me. I'd be standing up and yelling, "Hey Molly...nice camel toe, babe, keep it look great!" or, "Damn, I wanna dig you out right now...great hustle!" There would be no reason to go on my phone, play Stardew Valley, or go on Snapper chat because all the prime action is bouncing up and down in front of my face and sliding across the floor. I wouldn't even be able to get my phone out for two reasons: 1) I would probably have a beer in one hand. 2) The other hand would be down my shorts slow jerkn' it.

It's called having manners and respect for women (the players). These chicks playing volleyball have spent considerable time getting all dolled up us, to do their hair, their face and to make sure they are wearing the tightest shorts imaginable so they can show off their ass, legs, thigh gaps and moose knuckles.

I am going to fucking stare at all of them and give them the time of day.

I am going to make sure I acknowledge a player like Molly McCarthy and her camel toe when I see it. I am going to make sure I post about said player for going for Greatness. Again, it would be rude not to. It's all about manners and respecting women in sports.

Going back to the young women I saw at the hockey game the other night, distracted on their phones. Maybe some of those hockey players saw those girls in the stands, maybe they thought they were fuckable. How are they suppose to know if those girls were interested in a quick fuck or blow job if their fucking heads were buried in their phones the whole time? To a guy, it looks like you don't even care. To a guy, it looks like you aren't interested and are more concerned with whatever Booktok novel you are gooning over this week. These chicks at the hockey game could've just done all that gooning at home on their phones.

Imagine if I and everyone else went to a KU women's volleyball game and just sat there on our phones the whole time and never starred at Molly and her teammates tits. How do you think the team would feel? How do you think Molly McCarthy and her teammates would feel if everyone went to the game but didn't give them any attention?

These are women we are talking about here, attention is everything to them. If us guys went to the game and didn't leer at any camel toes or ass, these women would not perform at such a high level. They would be devastated and morale would tank. Imagine producing such a perfect camel toe and nobody pays attention to you. You mine as well just kill yourself if you're a woman if that's the case.

Literally, for women showing their labia lips and the outline of their pussy, I would expect a sold-out crowd and not a phone in sight (unless you are grabbing some pictures for later..).

That's why I am on a mission to make women's volleyball and camel toes great again. I want to get the percentage rate of female volleyball player camel toes up on every team because it will draw bigger crowds and essentially fund their programs more effectively. It's about making volleyball girls secure versus being insecure about showing a camel toe. To be unapologetic about it, just like how Molly and other's have been this season.

If you don't agree, or hate the fact that I noticed Molly McCarthy had a camel toe, and zoomed-in on it for the thumbnail, you clearly hate women and also people who have vision problems and struggle with far-sightedness. If you hated this post, well, you're probably a huge homosexual or a woman over 40 who can't get Chad to fuck her in the pussy anymore. It's okay, you can always just kill yourself and never have to read this blog again!

Anyways, let's take even more time together to notice things once more...

Presenting Kansas Jayhawks' Molly McCarthy, Our Hot Volleyball Girl Of The Week

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

I want my bed.

White ✅

Thigh Gap ✅

Camel Toe ✅

3 green lights. Boner? ✅

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

The Cameraman in the background trying to get

the all important booty shot...

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

The Cameraman had every right to do so, look at Molly's Booty. She's as good from the back as she is from the front. That's an all around player!

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

I heard she loves to ride cowgirl...

What a perfect camel toe. Smiling while presenting it. Very unapologetic.

That's what we are aiming for, here.

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

This is a fair inclusion ratio for white women. It's time to stop the racism against white people and enforce proper representation.

It's time we make women's volleyball great again!

Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball

Jayhawk pussy

I'll leave you with three acceptable reasons for getting an impromptu erection:

Your stock portfolio goin up 30-50% in a day, witnessing Justin Trudeau being assassinated live on TV, and seeing Molly McCarthy in action.

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Kansas Jayhawks Molly McCarthy Volleyball


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