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Special-Ed Teacher, Andee Lantz, Is Charged With Rape 'for having sex with a 16-year old student'

Original Story at DailyMail

Andee Lantz, 26, of Oklahoma, is accused of having sex with a 16-year-old student on two or three occasions.

Until her resignation in November, Lantz worked as special-education teacher at Carnegie High School.

Lantz allegedly claimed she was riding with the victim in his car after a homecoming game when he leaned in to kiss her and 'it went from there'.

Allegations against Lantz came to light after the student began circulation a nude photo of the teacher.

The Red Island has obtained exclusive photos of Andee, that no other news outlet was able to get; we 'back-doored' her now ex-husbands Facebook account.


Whoever said, "Women suck at their jobs" is a complete moron. Andee did her job as a "special needs" teacher, correctly. It's why she made the news so quick!

Andee's story is a classic love(rape) story: A young boy's first fuck after the homecoming game, in the backseat of his lust interest's car.

The public may see Andee as an authority figure, a 26-year old grown-ass woman, mother and wife, however, they would be wrong. Andee is like most modern women; a teenager.

“It makes me sick to my stomach,” said concerned parent, Susan Clark

Before long, Clark, whose children are enrolled in the district said Lantz became the talk of the town.

In a small town like Lantz's, one blowjob sends rippling effects to everyone.

“One of the students had been circulating a nude picture of her,” said Clark.

Of course, we here at The Red Island would ask that student to please turn-over that nudie to us for our "investigation".

“In the beginning I didn't know if it was a rumor, I called a couple other moms and they said it was true,” said Clark.

A bunch of women called each other to confirm the Court of Public Opinion, on whether or not one of their sistas had betrayed the devaluing their collective sexual currency and exposing their hypergamous mating strategy.

Women are children; they are the oldest and most responsible teenager in the household; they never mature mentally past the age of sixteen. Hence, this is a love story that involves two teenagers (not really) who are as desperately horny as the next prom King and Queen.

Andee took nudes of herself, and most likely sent them to the 'victim' via the whore app known as SnapChat. An act commonly seen played-out in the comfort and privacy of a teen-girl's bedroom, late at night while she pets herself to sleep.

Andee took the boy for a "ride" after the homecoming game....indeed she did.

Of course they kissed and it " went from there". It always does with these stupidly horny, pussy-dripping, puttanas.

The boy had some 'special needs', and Lantz was there to help a bro out.

Look at the mouth on her, I wonder what stretched it out? Being a 'special needs' female teacher must be a tough gig; wrapping your fat yap around the swollen members of the Chad roster; sucking all that seed out before going home to your husband.

Getting dug-out all day, and having no space or room left in your cock pocket for a round of cooter-catch with the "love of my life" at home.

Remember, husbands out there who wifed-up the 'good religious girl', the one who looked past you when you were 16, but now suddenly finds you good enough at 36: Have you ever asked yourself how your wife got so good at sex before she met you?

Chad in high-school knows exactly how she got that way.

The Report Card


At first, Andee and the young Chad denied their affair, along with the nudies that circulated around campus: A bold move, that shows the deep passion they had for each others private parts. Alas, Andee would do the most horrible thing you could do to a horny 16-year old: Rat him and yourself out, to the principal.

Sex after homecoming is the type of deep passion-play that cannot be ignored with this case of the hornies.

Andee really "bent over backwards" here in her style of play. She went full nostalgia. It was a situation that surely would've ended in pregnancy if it were 2010, when Andee was 16 herself.

However, Lantz looks like a woman who prefers to swallow now. Safe-sex is never frowned upon.

Sometimes doing the 'right thing' does the most someone's sex life.

Andee's marriage was clearly already in the tanks. So why mess up a good thing?: Getting your 26-year old cooter wrecked, smashed and dashed by a maxed T-level, aspiring proxy Chad?

Who knows what goes through a woman's mind. Women don't even know, but yet, they are allowed to vote and sign business contracts that they eventually re-neg on...



Married for 4-years must've been rough.

For Millennial and Zoomer chicks, that's like their grandparents being married for 40 years.

Andee just couldn't take it, and needed to take-in a good teen dick to get her head straight. Nothing starts a new "journey" like getting your pussy dug-out like a county ditch, and your head smashed against the car seat like a red-headed step-child.

A mother, with 'special needs' of her own.



Whenever a woman gets a drastically new hair-cut, it's usually a sign she is about to/is sliding her pussy over some new dick.

An odd choice, but Andee went full Dyke-cut, and looks like the typical spinster fem-bot that the salons seem to be pumping out these days. It's a look that says, "Now I've had my fun....and I am ready to settle down."

In a lot of Andee's pictures, her hair is in an up-doo dyke. Something that we really aren't a fan of here.

Ladies, if your hair-doo makes us question whether your name is "Andee" or Andy....we've got a problem here in stage.

You may think it is OK for you to look like a crazy, frumpy spinster for your husband...but it's not OK, when we are trying to determine your greatness as a FTSS.

Lose the feminist goggles (glasses), they are not only ugly as sin, put it places a barrier between my load...and your fucking, face.

This is serious business, and we are "professionals"...just like Andee once was.

We must note that Andee does posses the all important "crazy eyes" when determining if a FTSS sucks good cock, and "bent over backwards" for her student of choice. An wide mouth is almost as important as the look that says, "I'll spread for you, after the game".

Since Andee didn't want to go for greatness by leaving her social media accounts up, we had to do things the hard way: Find a back-door into Andee just like that teen boy did.

This is why this blog is one of the top destinations for FTSSs, because we know how to dig deep...

It's also why women make for horrible investigators, and are better suited to sticking with straight cock-sucking. There is no doubt that Andee was good at what she that teen boy.

After sifting through a bunch of comments, it eventually led us to her ex-hubby's FB. That is when the magic happened: We got the exclusive grabbies and a view into the clichéd "perfect life" that every couple seems to have!

First mistake is usually the worst.

Having her cake and eating it too.

Lets be real, those comments were never meant

to age well...

(Whew) least we know the kid is not from the teen student!

Also, your second mistake is usually crippling...


A wildcat....indeed.

Remember guys, you aren't special. It's just your turn until it is not.

Any chick who has at least one or two hair ties on her wrist, is always down for a quick impromptu, blowjob.

Her hand on his chest symbolizes that one day it will rip out his heart, put it into a blender; hit frappe.

Getting out-fucked by a 16-year old boy. The orgasms must've been, insane.

Chad Infinity | Betas 0

Game over.


Overall Grade


1 commentaire

01 janv. 2021

Glasses and big nose perfect for thick ropey load!

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