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COUNTY FAIR FINGERING: Teacher's Aide, Michele Maynard,36, Arrested for 'Lesbian Romps'

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A Pennsylvania teaching assistant has been charged with institutional sexual assault after admitting she enjoyed inappropriate relations with her daughter's underage friend, who she's also accused of plying with booze.

Michele Maynard, 36, allegedly confessed to kissing and inappropriately touching the 17-year-old girl whose school she taught at, a minimum of three times between June 1 and September 22.

The suspect was targeted after the teenager last month told her father about an incident that occurred during a sleepover at Maynard's house.Law enforcement also states the woman supplied beer to her 14-year-old daughter and the victim during the course of the summer.

Maynard is also charged with corruption of minors plus she and the two students face charges for the Underage Alcohol Offense, reports Star Gazette.According to Bradford County court papers, the Asylum Township woman carried out the assaults at both her home and at the Troy reports the suspect and victim would text details of the sexual relationship to her husband and father of five children, Curtis Maynard.

Meanwhile disappointed students noted Maynard wasn't necessarily a figure of much authority at the school but was trusted nonetheless.

'She always seemed kind of off because she was more like our friend. More like a student than a teacher,' student Gabrail Maas said.


The county fair and sleepovers are suppose to be persevered for the innocent; childhood memories of staying up late, drinking soda all night while trying to figure out the password for the porn channels on the digital cable box.

Maynard is a pro, even for a closet lesbo. Our gurl got a mad case of the 'clit-beats' for our victim.

She pulled some total frat moves; boozing up your ‘target’ and taking them to the fair. As we all know, the county fair is a perfect place to finger blast your date; lesbo or not. There are countless ways to make sure that any ride you go on with your date ends up being a ‘thrill ride’. I could only imagine that Maynard picked the best rides for such activities: The haunted house, Ferris wheel, and the lazy river. All provide sufficient concealment in order for you to get your hands into your date’s pussy patch and score yourself a sticky treat.

I’m not sure what’s worse in these cases where a husband is involved: Being out-fucked by a 17-year old male student, or finding out that your wife likes to double-click other girls mouse’s and prefers to grind her sliz over a fellow comrade’s vaginal crease.

I guess when your wife comes home smelling of vaginal honey you’d assume she’s just ripe for your picking. However, when your wife comes home smelling of that musky pie cream, then goes straight to bed without providing you that warm sheath over your sword, one would be a little suspect.

In this day and age of Female Teacher Sex Scandals, women will support each other when the men or the boys can’t do the job required.

Maynard probably thought to herself, “I’ll hire a professional, who's passionate and eager about the 'job'”. When it comes to finding someone versed in the art of the clit rub, who would have more experience than a hormonal 17-year old chick? At that age, chicks become pros overnight.

Why do you think high schooler’s are always so tired when they come in to school in the morning? It’s because they spent all night searching for their g-spot!

The Report Card

Methodology: Getting your victim all boozed-up is a total frat move. Our gurl took a page out of our last FTSS: Lynn Burge.

Lesbos think like boy's, and ever guy knows that women are at their horniest when liquored up. Our gurl wasted no time. Maynard exemplifies what I have been detailing for a while: Women are children and never grow-up past High School.

One of the student witnesses (Gabrail Mass) even testified that , "She always seemed kind of off because she was more like our friend. More like a student than a teacher."

Maynard behaved like a teen girl: Horny and without accountability. Bad things happen.

Finger blasting at the county fair; booze-filled sleepover's with your daughter and her hot friend. Any teen boy's fantasy. It's just a shame that this is a lesbian love story is not a true FTSS where the 'victim' is a male sufferer of blue balls.


Integrity: Providing the lube (beer) in order to shlick a female student. Bringing your love story into your own household, in where your husband and daughter are caught in the middle (sex sandwich).

Maynard not only corrupted a minor, she corrupted her whole family...and maybe even how people might think about Ferris wheels and what goes on in those bucket seats.


Presentation/looks: Maynard is presenting, lesbian. It's always a tough call with these cases. Her photos are not consistent and she carries the signature: Tale of two women. One day she is gorgeous and worthy of a finger blast, the next day you would feel for your fingers, subjecting them to a fate worse than sticking them into a sewer pipe.

In one pic we have the 'happy wife, happy life' and in the other we have a much different looking Michele. The Michele in the second pic looks like the girl who would suck you off behind the circus tent for a pack of smokes and a cheeseburger.

I am not sure If I would want to be seen taking Maynard to a county fair, or if I would rather see her performing in the Freak Show tent.


Personal Notes: Some women really like supporting each other...

Overall Grade




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