Original Story At DailyStar

Arkansas teacher, Stephanie Neipling, 42, allegedly had sex with a 15-year-old boy before sending him a barrage of sexual messages and nude photos — leading to her arrest and a $50,000 bond (£38,700).
Neipling, an employee at University of Arkansas, is alleged to have engaged the minor in sexual activity on July 8 when they were both at a third party's home on the couch in where they engaged in oral sex and penetrative sex.
On July 9, Neipling allegedly sent the victim nude photos of herself and wrote sexual messages to him, Law & Crime reported. An affidavit shows that she later admitted this.
Neipling's husband has now reportedly filed for divorce with full custody of their two young children.
It's clear to everyone by now that Stephanie Neipling was so horny and loved that boy long time. She probably even made him fish bowl soup after the sex.
If we are being honest with ourselves, she sorta does look like that proustite from Full Metal Jacket (1987).
Stephanie just needs to lose the fucking weight and I am sure Hollywood could get onboard with casting her for the future remake. They love pedophiles, so I think Stephanie is a shoe-in!
Can we talk about the deep south for a moment, or will that offend some people?
Who cares, because this isn't a safe space.
What is going on down there? We had hot female teacher Heartlee Pittman a few weeks ago over there in Alabama sending pics of her cooter to some teen boy. Now we have Stephanie over here in Arkansas doing the same, plus some sucking and fucking. Both teachers are(were) married of course.
Arkansas is best known for: its many lakes, rivers, hot springs (and teachers), extreme weather (and teachers), rice and poultry production, rich folk music and tradition, having the only active Dimond mine in the United States and...also some cousin fucking.
What is with the pivot to sex with minors/teen boys all of a sudden? Did ya'll run out of family members?
Speaking of family, it wouldn't be a true female teacher sex scandal if Stephanie weren't married with kids.
Again, I keep telling you boys out there to not get married in this culture/day & age. Especially do not get married to Western women. Even your wife at 42 years of age will do what women will do: Be stupid and follow their cooter to their demise.
Women, especially women in North America, are so far gone it's just quite sad at this point.
Brainwashed and indoctrinated since the 1970's and full-tilt on feminism, the modern woman has become unhinged. Thanks to the loosening of regulations and restrictions on a woman's hypergamous nature that use to be in place (enforced), true female nature has reared it's ugly face in the form of what we see on a continued daily basis: Degradation and degeneracy. When you give men authority and power, the vast majority will create, invent and propel society into the stratosphere.
When you give women the same you get severely defective versions of men because women never mature past high-school or the frat house. Feminism gave women everything and literally Hitler through diversity hiring quotas, opened the doors for them to be anything. So, what have women chose to do with all of this power?
They chose to be alcoholic frat boys: Fuck everything on two legs, drink after work (or during) and do copious amounts of drugs.
The thing is, men do this better. Further, men grow out of this phase and go on to accomplish greatness, erect skyscrapers, drill for oil offshore, built everything around you and anything in the future. Women waste whatever fertile years they have in being stuck in the party phase, end up drinking wine every night with their 10 cats and being miserable in their "BigGirl" job as a secretary for Wells Fargo or 'social media manager' for some startup in JewYork city.
In Stephanie's case, she had a 'bigGirl' job working some low-level admin (External relations) gig for the University of Arkansas in the department for Agriculture. It's fair to say that Stephanie was good at the 'External relations' part of her job. She closed a deal with the young boy and taught him how to plant his seed in her garden.
How she met a 15-year old boy is still to be determined. Was it one of her friend's sons? Was it one of her son's friends? Was this kid on a field trip and she gave his class a tour? It also states on her Facebook profile that she worked for the state's governor as a Deputy Director. Again, this is what happens when you put women in positions of power within CorporateLand.

The virtue-signaling that women do on their Twitter, Facebook and social media is astounding to say the least.
Hypocrites at best. They say they love their husbands and family yet then seconds later are trying to put the hand of a 15-year old on their pussy and telling him to come over to their friend's apartment for sex.
Good thing Stephanie's hubby has now filed for divorce. That's even a shocker with a lot of these cases involving the husband or boyfriend sticking around after.
The cucking in this country is off the charts, so good on him.
They post things like "Stop child abuse" and wear ribbons; yet seconds later are the ones performing said abuse.
Women tend to abuse everything. Just look at how women abuse marriage and their husbands.
They can't even honor that contract.
How are they suppose to conduct ethical business practices, sign binding contracts and letters of intent if they can't be trusted with their own personal lives and matters? No personal restraint or control yet she is allowed to vote and sign deals.
All Stephanie had to do was go on Amazon and find the perfect dildo or vibrator suited to her needs as a strong and powerful Vietnamese (Asian?) woman.
Amazon is also where you can find all of my novels which are far greater accomplishments than what most women can do with their time.
The Report Card
As you will see from the affidavit, Stephanie was a strong, powerful, and fearless 42 year old adult female: She forced a 15 year old boy to rub her vagina over-top her green dress by placing her hand on his and moving it to her groin.
Just like she too was back in high school, Stephanie arranged the time honored tradition of 'watching a movie' and trying to sit close to each other. Seeing what will happen as enough time passes and the sexual tension ratchets up!
The movie is of course a ruse and a smoke-screen for getting close and making sex happen without it seeming 'awkward'. "Oh, we were just watching a movie and it happened.." It's women's favorite way of getting guilt free sex to happen, and be able to tell their friends about it without seeming like a complete slut. "It just....happened." -- All Women
Now, what Stephanie probably wouldn't tell her friends is how it really happened...with her initiating it. Most women don't want to be the initiator because it seems slutty. In this case, Stephanie isn't a teenager...so it's a lot worse than that!

At 42 years of age, it is pretty obvious why Stephanie had to make the "first move". If she were 20 years younger, thinner and more attractive...all she would've have needed to do was just show up and do nothing. The hands and penis would just find their way on their own. No help needed.
Having to use your friend's place for sex is so high school. Stephanie (a woman) lives and breathes high school and never wants to leave it. It's generally where women peak.
It goes without saying that Stephanie has qualified for the titled of Female Sex Scandal Teacher (FSST), hands down on the pussy. She has satisfied all requirements including going for greatness (sucking & fucking). Stephanie's integrity as a sex scandal teacher is through the roof. She is/was married and has two kids (boys).

She had a bigGirlboss job at a University and she blew it (just like that teen boy) all for the glory of love. That song from the Peter Cetera comes to mind. Maybe that is what he had in mind when he wrote it. Who knows?
Like all of these female teachers who have felonious relations with teen boys, they did it all for the glory....of love (being a FSST). True love is not between Stephanie and her husband.
No, true love is between what is going on between her legs ( a fire) and the unsettled hormones of a 15-year old boy.
A boy that knows that pussy is pussy, and you just gotta get some at that age. You can't live or breathe without pussy when you are 15.
Stephanie knew that and she abused that.
Once again ladies, weight is your downfall. Gravity is your enemy past 30.
I wish I had better news, but Stephanie's presentation lacks effort and more importantly: Passion.
At 42 years of age it is understandable. I am even surprised that Stephanie had social media and pictures of her 42-year old weathered and beaten body up for viewing to the general public. However, good on her for being a good sport.
All that means is that we don't have to fail Stephanie.

Look at all the lies, cucking, mental-illness and virtue-signaling in the comments...
The best comment comes from Hayley Meshell, in stating that she thinks Stephanie looks 12.
Is this why Stephanie had sex with a 15 year old boy because women's metrics and ability to determine age is nonexistent? It explains women's poor judgement and life choices with a lot of things. By this mentally-ill and retarded metric, Stephanie probably thought the 15 year old boy looked 30 in real terms.

With those teeth she looks like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.
Big forehead also. Just gives you a nice optional area to shoot your load; more canvass for your artwork.
See, we aren't mean here on The Red Island. We turn what the majority would otherwise consider to be as flaws, into positives for women!

Great face, probably had decent tits...if only she lost the weight.
The real crime going on with Western women and in America is being overweight. I can see why the boy was a victim here. She's guilty for sure.

If Stephanie lost even just 20 pounds....that's it.
It's so simple yet, so difficult for women. Women can spend time shopping online for trinkets and doo-dads, go to Starbucks and arrange/plan out an entire affair with a 15 year old boy on the side of their career and marriage. Yet, they can't hit the treadmill 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes a day in order to look hot.
Being good-looking for women is the lottery ticket and sets their life on Easy Mode if they can maintain it. Case in point, Stephanie's grade is going to suffer because of this. Hence, life not on Easy Mode when it comes to being the Greatest female sex scandal teacher.
Final Comments: Upon final review of the facts and physical evidence, we here are satisfied that one Stephanie Neipling has fulfilled her duty and role in becoming a female sex scandal teacher. A higher grade would've been rewarded to Stephanie if she had a longer duration in her role. Blowjibbers and vaginal penetration happened on one occasion. This is great but it shows lack of planning and future building. Some of the greats we have covered had sex with their love interests for months, even years on end.
The lack of a full photo catalogue was really a turn-off too, Stephanie. The passion can almost be denied here. You showed no effort in letting us view your half-naked body in a bikini or, at the very least, a one-piece if you were to be bashful/modest.
We get it, you are 42 years old. It's embarrassing. However, we need those pictures in order to make an accurate judgement and to be fair with regards to determining your grade.
This shows a lack of respect not only to yourself, but to us since we can't do our job here as best we can. So fuck you for that.
There are standards here, if you can imagine. I would say to Stephanie, "Better luck next time," however there is usually never a next time once you are caught and also have a Court order against having any form of contact with minors.
You only get one shot at Greatness. One shot at being a Female Sex Scandal Teacher.
Most blow it, like the dick in their mouth.