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Hot Female Teacher, Cassidy Kraus, Had Sexual Contact With Three Male Students Ages 13-14 Years Old

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

Original Story At People

Hot teacher Cassidy Kraus
  • Iowa teacher Cassidy Sue Kraus, 24, of Westside, was arrested on Friday and charged with sexual abuse in the third degree.

  • It is alleged that while employed as a teacher at the IKM Manning School, Kraus engaged in multiple sexually oriented acts with three different students, the youngest of which being 13.

  • Cassidy is currently faces felony charges of third-degree sexual abuse and two counts of lascivious acts with a child, plus three misdemeanor charges for allegedly disseminating obscene materials to three different children on Snapchat during the 2022 and 2023 school years.

  • Kraus is listed as married on Facebook. According to The, she and her husband wed on July 1 in Arcadia.

  • Cassidy Sue Kraus, née Branning, previously made the dean’s list at Iowa State University multiple times for “outstanding academic achievement” in her elementary education coursework.

  • She posted a $10,000 bond on Saturday and was released from jail.


Hot Teacher Cassidy Kraus And Her Saboteur (Her Pussy)

Women never escape high school; Cassidy never matured past the age of eighteen.

Yet, she is allowed to vote and have a job. It's no stretch of the imagination as to why Western society is on the decline.

It's fascinating to witness, that with all the freedom and 'empowerment' women have had since the 1970's, at the end of the day they all choose to be selfish, deviant whores.

Absolutely nothing to show for it. Western white women like Cassidy had every opportunity to show men how 'it is done' and to prove that women could make the world a better place simply because they have a vagina and believe it grants them mystical and divine powers! Did women actually think they were going to cure cancer, build even taller buildings, fly fighter jets at Mach 3 and run the world from the C-Suite and corporate boardrooms?

No, sir. At the end of the day women resort to their default setting:

Cock input mechanism/sperm receptacle.

They just can't help themselves. You cannot beat biology, ladies.

Women shouldn't be anywhere near CorporateLand because they turn everything they touch into a daycare for women.

Women are at best, mediocre men/defective men.

Just look at hot teacher Cassidy Kraus and the scores of other women you know.

Society can give them everything: Diversity hiring quotas, education, student loan forgiveness (majority of college majors are women with worthless degrees), welfare, 'ladies night' (cheap entry and drinks), birth control (they still somehow manage to have a 'oopsies'), and more rights and privileges than men in almost every social and employment category. They get a leg up (or two) in the job market at every turn because muh equity and muh egalitarianism.

After all of this, what is Cassidy known for? What did she accomplish?

That's correct. She gave a handjob to a 13-year old boy; sent all three of them nudes; banged the 14 year old apparently. The story is confusing. Did she bang all three of them or give handies to just two? Anyways,that is her legacy as a bossbabe; you-go-gurl, woo-woo feminism!

Cassidy got an education, she went to college and got her degree. She made the fucking dean's list 'multiple times' (because she is cute and probably gave him a handjibber), got married to what looks like her autistic high school sweetheart. Then, in true female form, she thought the best move would be to cheat on her husband, destroy her marriage and career all because she had the extreme urge to give a teen boy a handjob; try to fuck his friends too.


Now with high inflation and ever increasing interest rates, women are of course the ones feeling the pinch and complaining that they cannot afford basic living and paying their rent. But wait, I thought women were so strong, brave, independent you-go-gurl?

Instead of women trying to get a better job (or work in a lucrative field) they blame someone else. They of course can't understand why their salary working as a 'social media manager' or some other lazy-girl job isn't cutting it.

If women are so strong and just as amazing as men, then why aren't there any women working in the oil fields, or in the trades that pay top salary? Oh, that's right, it's because that's HARD WORK and DANGEROUS.

Women, for the life of them, cannot feel discomfort; they want to do the bare minimum in order to live an extraordinary lifestyle at the expense of everyone else. Its why when push comes to shove, when times get tough, women fail to morph into Katniss Everdeen, they instead become whores on Onlyfans: Prostitute themselves, naturally.

At the end of the day, women don't want to be in the workplace. They don't want jobs and they don't want to be 'like men'. They just want a penis in their hand, mouth, pussy and ass; cum shooting at their cervix and dripping down their leg while they get up to use the bathroom.

They want to be filled and creampied; not fulfilled by having a 'career'.

Women can't even bake today, the only creampie they know is the one a man made between their thighs.

Women belong at home or on the streets sucking dick and taking cum in their pussy. It's what they clearly can't get away from. A woman needs to get fucked at every hour of the day so that she can produce the next great scientist, artist, engineer, doctor, etc (which are 99.9% of the time men).

Deep down inside Cassidy's loins, she knew this. It's why she gave those 13-year olds a handjob and fucked their 14-year old Chad friend.

The Report Card


Cassidy is recently married. Of course, it was time to start cheating on hubby and give handjobs to anyone remotely Chad-like.

Cassidy is fairly attractive and obviously got the attention of a few male students at the school in Manning, Iowa. She transposed the standard grooming playbook of sending nudes through Snapchat and also showing that she was DTF by giving one of the boys a handjob, knowing that he'd tell his friends in order for them to also hit up Cassidy for some of that sliz of hers.

It's what sluts like Cassidy do when they are in high school: They get the word out by nailing or blowing one guy in the friends group so as to entice the others and get them competing. Cassidy is 24, yes, but she never left high school (mentally).

Most men who aren't aware of women's dark nature are going to get chicks that have skanked it up through most of their 20s and are going to basically run their lives once they get married, while they think that their wives are these little angels from heaven that could do no wrong. Cassidy is mid (mid tier hottness) for sure, but most guys would probably wife her up if she touched their penis. Most guys today are weak and are one blowjob away from the plantation; a life of misery and slavery; the longhouse.

The modern female MO is no secret anymore. Still, most men living in illusion:

Step 1: 18-28 -> Bang as many alphas as possible.

Step 2: 28+ -> Changes her look to a conservative one, becomes Twitter trad, starts doing yoga, claims spirituality and bags a beta chump for kids and marriage.

Step 3: -> After marriage -> repeat step 1 until caught or bored.

Step 4: -> DIVORCE PARTY! -> clean out beta husband, takes his kids, becomes a high class MILF.

Step 5: -> Writes on feminist blogs how there aren’t any good man left Once you see that pattern, it’s everywhere…and it easy to avoid wrong women.



Cassidy had it all and then she blew it. Women are self-destructive if patriarchy is not enforced.

She did go for Greatness as a female sex scandal teacher, however.

She got too greedy in my opinion. Tried to spread her legs for multiple boys at a time and in the process spread those legs too thin and opened up too many fronts like how the Austrian painter did. She literally Hitler, shot the foot on this one.

Instead of trying to gobble all the cock and cum she could, it would've benefited Cassidy to just be loyal and focus on one teen boy for her deviant urges and lust for seed. Oh, or be loyal to her husband. I forgot! Clearly she forgot she had a husband, too. If women forget so much all the time, like whether or not they have a husband or taking their birth control pill, then why are they allowed to vote and have jobs?

Oh right, she also could've just fucked her husband and gave him a handjob.

That's silly though because as we all know, women from the West use their husbands as human ATMs and they are not for fucking. A woman today having sex with her husband is like a teacher having sex with their student; it's just something you aren't suppose to do apparently!



If it weren't for the cosmetic industry (multi-billion dollar) and Lululemon, most women today would be mid or below. Just look at Cassidy.

Cassidy is your typical mid from a small town in rural America: the girl next door with stonewashed jeans whose lifetime claim to fame will be to hopefully get knocked-up by the high school quarterback and be a PTA mom.

Girls in small towns really set the bar low for themselves in terms of achievement.

Getting chlamydia is one of those goals.

Most never make it out of their city and the majority, if all else fails (education, degree, job) they just get pregnant and settle.

Cassidy, if you look at her mugshot, is okay looking. However, with make-up on and some tight jeans or leggings, 13-year old you would for sure want a handjob and to stick it in her sliz. Don't lie. This is a place of honesty and integrity, clearly.

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

What's disappointing the most about this picture is not that Cassidy has a husband, it's that she is wearing a T-shirt that is clearly designed for underboob and she didn't take advantage.

Right off the bat, Cassidy is a tease. Makes sense that she only gave that boy a handjob and made him wait for more while she tested the waters with his friends on SnapChat.

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

I can see why Cassidy cheated on her hubbalicious. What the fuck are those shoes, bro? Gay.

Btw, Cassidy has a nice ass. You can thank the man who invented yoga pants.

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

Mid. You are the average of your three closest friends.

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

They have their costumes mixed up... should be the other way around.

Accurate, though. The boyfriend/husband is her prisoner while she is the moral authority. It's why a lot of chicks dress up as a sexy cop. They all think they are the authority and can do no wrong; men are the ones who need to be constrained. This is every couple today where the female has all the power and the dude is a spineless simp.

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

24 years old and already starting the feel The Wall...

Thoughts & Prayers for the 'victims'.

The broad side of the barn...

Hot teacher Cassidy Kraus

Underneath everything, Cassidy like all women have a wild side.

Hot teacher Cassidy Kraus

Having sex with minors is the least of Cassidy's worries. Those tan lines are the real crime here.

Hot teacher Cassidy Kraus

Fuckable. No doubt.

Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus

Good form holding that can; Cassidy probably gives decent handjobs.


Final Comments: Like most things in life, women tend to fuck it up. Cassidy did almost everything right in trying to become the next and latest Female Sex Scandal Teacher. The only problem she had was: She got too greedy. Typical female in North America.

She got the kill on the 14-year old and tried for more. She wanted to diversify the cum inside her pussy.

Incredible incompetence on all levels here. Cassidy is 24 years old, it should've been in the bag.

All she had to do was show up, right? Did she play hard to get? Were her HJ skills rusty from having a boyfriend and being married for all but one year. Maybe those 13 year old boys were out of her league and have higher small town Iowa? Who ratted her out? Did one or all three of them get jealous; found out they were not her Onlyfan? Maybe these boys are gay and have been indoctrinated already by the leftist education system that tells them to be weak, emasculate themselves and tries to convince them that they might be girls?

Whatever it is, Cassidy fucked up. She even had a decent presentation for us. Just goes to show that women, when given a task or a job, always seem to miss the mark. It's why women can't handle the workplace; they only know how to handle a penis in their hand, mouth, ass and vag.

Overall Grade


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Iowa teacher Cassidy Kraus



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