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Married North Carolina Teacher, Britney Vernon, Charged For Felony Sex Acts With A Teen Student Under The Age Of 16

Married North Carolina Teacher, Britney Vernon

Original story at NewYorkPost

  • Married North Carolina teacher, Britney Marie Vernon, 39, was hit with three counts of felony indecent liberties with a student and three counts of felony sex acts with a student, according to the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office.

  • Britney Vernon is also apparently married and has a child according to Inside Edition.

  • The disturbing assault allegations against the Randleman High School teacher were first reported on July 1.

  • Police did not share the details or disclose whether more than one student was allegedly targeted by Vernon, but said the accusations were troubling enough to issue a warrant.

  • The sheriff also did not clarify whether the alleged victim was Vernon’s student or their age.

  • The age of consent in North Carolina is 16.

  • Vernon is a career and technical education teacher within the high school’s health services department.

  • She began her teaching career at Randleman High on August 21, 2023, but had been a part of the Randolph County School System since August 2018.

  • Vernon has since been suspended without pay.

  • She is being held on a $75,000 unsecured bond and is due back in court on Aug. 12.

  • Randleman is a city with a population of 4,600 and is 20 miles south of Greensboro.


The disturbing trend continues with white women in Western countries raping and having sex with teenage boys. This epidemic that we have been covering since 2016 mostly resides in the teaching profession.

However, as we have seen over the years it is not limited to this profession alone. There is a distinct pattern that exists with women in positions of power and the general abuse that follows. For example, just the other day I posted on X (Twitter) a story involving a female Louisiana mayor who has been brought in on charges with regards to raping a minor while she was in office.

I guess everybody now knows the reason why Misty Roberts suddenly had to quit her position. Another fun fact about Roberts is that she was of course praised by the lunatic Lefties for being the 'first female mayor' to reside over the town of Deridder, Louisiana.

Who cares, and how did that work out for everyone?

Wow, women are just really crushing it over the years! First female mayor and what does she do? She quits. She quits not only because she is a woman, but mainly because she raped a boy. You go-girl, bossbabe power! Misty Roberts, is also married and has two young children. Women can't handle power, just like how they can't handle money and manage it properly.

DEI is a disaster. Being the 'first female' anything is not a smart practice with regards to business or employment. Who cares if you have a vagina and are the 'first female' to do something equivalent to being a fully functioning adult male? I thought gender was a construct. I thought women and men were equal, according to the libtards.

So why is it an accomplishment (according to libtards) when a woman is the first female to do anything? Well, it's because deep down inside we all collectively know they shouldn't be there in the first place. It's like propping up a mentally challenged person (like Kamala Harris) and then wondering why she can't take questions from the media because everyone knows she is going to say something stupid and talk as if she is trying to write filler paragraphs for an essay on a topic you don't understand.

If women were truly equal to men, it wouldn't be such a surprise to see them naturally in these positions. But no, society has to get all wet in the crotch every time a woman is the 'first female' to do something beyond having sex, being a Thot and getting cum shot up their pussy in order to escape a life of hard work. The life of a man. Hence why people are always shocked to see a woman in these positions, because naturally, they normally aren't there in the first place. There is a reason for that and we are going to get to that in a moment.

Before we talk about married North Carolina teacher, Britney Vernon, I will leave you with this last ironic fact regarding Misty Roberts. When she was in office, Louisiana passed a law and became the first state to allow surgical castration as punishment for child molesters.

Does this mean that Misty Roberts will effectively have her clit knicked off?

Pressing doubt, confidently.

Married North Carolina Teacher, Britney Vernon & Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

We have addressed the issue of women not maturing past high school for a long time now. Women are like children, it is a scientific fact.

This is why women need to be regulated. Their sexuality also needs to be controlled.

If women are not regulated, you get what you see today: Women making terrible decisions; the only thing they are exceptionally good at aside from fucking their students and teen boys.

This takes us back to the good old teachings of American psychologist, Lawrence Kohlberg and his Six Stages of Moral Development.

Married North Carolina Teacher, Britney Vernon

Married North Carolina Teacher, Britney Vernon

Kohlberg had shown through his research that the average female attained a moral judgment rating of Stage Three (good boy-nice girl), while adolescent males score at level four (law and order) and are more likely to move on to post-conventional levels.

Then along came Carol Gilligan (a feminist) who refuted the claims of Kohlberg citing 'gender bias's in his research. However, all Gilligan did was change the value systems (which is gender bias). Gilligan still could not prove or ascertain that females could or couldn't advance past Stage 3 because her inputs only went up to Kohlberg's Stage 3. Interesting how she did that. Essentially proving Kohlberg's study that women are different from men in their moral character and development. Proving that men are more abstract in their thinking and women aren't.

Men tend to organize social relationships in a hierarchical order and subscribe to a morality of rights. Females value interpersonal connectedness, care, sensitivity, and responsibility to people. What Gilligan missed was the fact that women only 'care', are sensitive, and have a responsibility to people when it first and foremost benefits them (or the sisterhood).

Kohlberg's scoring criteria give the interpersonal care orientations of females lower ratings than the principled justice orientation. Hence, Gilligan identifies different developmental stages for females. Gilligan cannot refute the claims of Kohlberg, all she could do was say a girl's development is different. Both men and women follow different 'voices' and obviously men follow the voice of reason a lot better. It's why men make better leaders, and businessmen (hence the word 'men').

Married North Carolina Teacher, Britney Vernon

In order to make a high level moral judgment, you need to be objective, rational and be able to think in the abstract. Women seem to not be able to do this. Women have a penchant for avoiding conflict and steer clear of being the one to 'rock the boat'. This is because in order to make high level moral judgments and decisions, it requires reasonability. As we all know, responsibility is a woman's kryptonite.

Women don't want the negative emotions or blowback that could possibly follow, so they tend to just try to please all parties or not get involved. Open borders is a perfect example and also the coddling of drug addicts in cities. "Oh we don't want to offend or make them feel bad, let's let them into our country and give them money and food...poor things." Women treat illegals and vagabonds like stray cats. They want to take them in so they can feel good about themselves.

Most liberals are women. Most women were for 'defunding the police'.

How did that go in urban areas?

Not all women suffer from hybristophilia, but only women are hybristophiliacs

Women love criminals, and tend to stay with abusive boyfriends. Women are not rational or moral individuals. They are emotion driven and are weak willed creatures.

Their hypergamy is always at odds with what is the 'right thing to do'. She knows she should leave her drug-dealing abusive boyfriend, but his machismo and dark triad personality makes her pussy wet. Her pussy is always the great decider, not her prefrontal cortex which never fully develops past high school.

Women are more easily corruptible, morally. It's because women view the world through emotions and 'vibe'. This gives women vague plausible deniability for their actions. A woman's morality is very fluid and revolves around her fixed and unwavering mating strategy: Seeking superior genetics (semen) and security + provisioning. Women like Britney Vernon and Misty Roberts already had their provisioning and security taken care of via their government jobs (provided by male tax payer dollars). They both have husbands.

They chose to mate-switch with teen boys.

Morals don't apply because as Kohlberg proved, women cannot reach or obtain the more important and higher levels of morality due to their lack of abstract thinking and reasoning beyond their own sphere and concept of 'self'.

What this says is that men are better at thinking in the abstract and women are incapable of thinking about anything other than themselves and their needs. Men tend to consider the greater good and what is best for everyone/overall society vs being solipsistic.

A man's morality is very different from a female's, in that women will always do what is in their own self-interest.

If the outcome benefits the woman, she will go along with it. If anything benefits her own survival over others, she will vote for it. This is why women voting or being allowed to vote is a dangerous venture.

Women will always vote for socialism and free stuff. They will always vote in their own self-interest and for the 'sisterhood'. The will treat the ballot box and the government like their husband or boyfriend: Use it to get cash and prizes. They don't consider or understand the macro view and how everyone, including them, could benefit.

You may be asking, "Well, that mayor Misty Roberts voted for that law allowing for the surgical castration of child molestors...doesn't that mean her moral stage of development exceeded Stage 3?"

No. She voted for the passing of that law because the law was written with the notion and preconceived bias that only males commit these acts. When we think of castration it usually implies removing one's penis.

Misty Roberts is a Democrat, and so of course she was all for castrating men and having a hate-on for males. It is good politics and also a very good opportunity to virtue-signal considering she was a child molester herself. Remember, women will always vote for things that not only benefit them, but in turn make themselves look like the 'good girl'. Which is Stage 3.

Women are for a lot of things. They are big crusaders and champions of 'moral causes' mainly because it puts them in the good graces of others and manipulates others into thinking that they would never do such a terrible thing. "Misty Roberts hates child molesters. Ergo, Misty Roberts would never do such a thing" --Some NPC's Smooth Brain

If women truly cared about society more so than themselves, we wouldn't be living in the hell-hole we find ourselves in today with open borders, a welfare state, money printing, a declining birth-rate, etc.

Women wouldn't vote for communism ( mass starvation and death) if they did indeed have the 'best interest' of others and greater society. They wouldn't abort and kill their babies by the millions; they would properly vet the men they sleep with and use protection.

They wouldn't vote for open borders and to be gang raped by the criminals they allowed into their country. Instead of wasting their prime fertility years paying taxes (to the welfare state) and withering underneath florescent office lighting, they would be letting men do the work that needs to be done and would support and raise the next generation.

Women seem to be incapable of doing these simple things. So, it is not oppression or 'abuse' to say that women need to be regulated. In addition, it is not misogynistic to say women need to stay home, get married and be productive in the female sense of the word.

It is the exact opposite.

Women need to not only be protected and cared for, but more importantly, they need to be protected by men...from themselves. Just like how a retarded child needs to be watched over.

Britney Vernon looks like a fully functioning adult. She was married and has a kid. However, she is also like a retarded child. She was allowed to vote, allowed to have a job, and probably nobody in her life has told her the word, 'no'.

She clearly didn't understand that morally you shouldn't fuck you students, but, she did it anyway. Mainly because a lot of these women think it is perfectly fine to do so (hence, Kohlberg's theory). They also think that because they are a woman, they won't get punished or people won't care. Again, always thinking about themselves and not about the broader consequences it brings to everyone, including themselves.

This is why, in the past, men made decisions on behalf of women. It worked. Women were also much happier with this arrangement because it absolved them of responsibility and thinking. Two things women dread more than not being able to do what they please.

Women have proven time and time again that the majority of their life choices and decisions turn out to be pretty stupid. Getting fat, getting piercings and tattoos all over their body like a slave/prisoner, letting themselves gain weight, having unprotected sex with random drug-dealers, majoring in stupid shit, going into extreme debt, etc. Without men making decisions for women, is allowing them to self-destruct. Rudderless and stranded in a sea of their poor impulsive choices. Children are impulsive.

The Report Card


All we know at this point is that Britney Vernon comes from a very small town, the town of Raddleman which has a population of around 6,500 people. Britney had be a part of the Raddleman county school system since 2018, however, she began her teaching career at Raddleman High August 21, 2023.

So, not even a year has passed and Britney couldn't help herself or self regulate her pussy. She's already committed 6 felonies including sexual and illicit acts on a teenager that we know is below the age of 16. The age of consent in this state is 16.

It wouldn't matter anyway if the boy was 17, because if this boy is a student under the care of Britney than it is still statutory rape since she is in a trusted position of authority.

Hopefully more details come out during her August 12th court date because this is seriously disturbing as far as her grade is going. A lack of details just tells me you aren't trying hard enough to let everyone know how much passion you have as a female sex scandal teacher!

Be better, do better.

Really disappointed in you so far, Britney.



Married with one kid.

Throws it all away for some meaningless sex with a teen boy.

6 felony charges.

Not one year into her teaching stint.

This is on par with our expectations and is usually a good sign of a budding female sex scandal teacher.

It's good to know that Britney (a woman) can do something right for a change.



Well, we haven't had one of these in a long time. Britney has no pictures or catalog to show us other than her, to be quite honest, very good-looking mugshot for a 39 Year old dusty has-been.

I really don't know what to say. I am shocked, slightly pissed even. Torn between my half-chub and soon-to-be deflated donger on the creeping concern that we may never see a full-body pic of Britney, ever.

Guys, she's not even trying. This is a big let down.

It's a huge let down because, like me, you all know given her mugshot that she is possibly a stone-cold stunner. A hidden gem. She could've got an A, I know she could.

But, in typical female form, Britney decided to quit the race to the top of this year's Female Sex Scandal Teacher Honor Roll and avoid competing against some of the greats we've had so far.

Truly a shameful display of sportsmanship on her part and a lack of respect for the class.

I don't know what is more worthy of punishment: Britney raping a teen boy, sucking him off and treating his penis like it owes her money. Or, the fact that Britney thought that having no presentation for us was acceptable behavior.

At the very least, come August 12th, we might get some court room photos of her in an orange colored jumper. Not exactly flattering or what we are looking for here in this all-important category. A category that seriously makes or breaks your chances of being Great.

Britney, in her display of nothing, is what is wrong with female (sex) teachers today. Where is the heart, where is the passion? Where are your bikini pics? Why can I not see your camel-toe in your leggings right now?

What is your problem? Are you retarded?

What is with white women today in America?


Final Comments: Britney Vernon is a failure on many levels. She failed as a female teacher. She failed as a female sex scandal teacher. Britney is showing young women today that being a quitter, when things get hard (like that boy's dick) is the right thing to do.

It is not, ladies. All you are doing when you quit is showing that you don't care (Stage 3 of moral development). So, do women not even mature past Stage 2 of Kohlberg's theory of moral development? Are women this morally retarded?

Britney has shown an lack of care to not just that teen boy, her school, her husband, her own children, her community and her country, she has not shown us care here as a class. We were all expecting Britney to do her job as a female sex scandal teacher, to give us a fair and reasonable presentation, but she did not. She made a choice, which was to not fulfill her duty. A selfish choice in the most objective of definitions. Not thinking about others and the consequences of said action.

Britney did qualify herself as a legit female sex scandal teacher. She did fuck and suck that boy. However, she meets this grade on a technicality.

Women are on their phones 24/7. The only time they are not is when they need to either stuff food or dick into their mouths. Britney, you have a phone. If you want to improve your grade, just send me some nudes. I'll be here, doing what I do best unlike you.

You had one job. You blew it, just like that teen boy.

Overall Grade


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Married North Carolina Teacher, Britney Vernon


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