MURPHY, North Carolina (WDEF) – The Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office has charged a teacher with sexual assaults on a student.
26 year old Kayla Alayne Sprinkles taught and coached softball and cross country at Andrews High School in 2016-17.
And that’s when investigators say she had a relationship with a 16 year old student.
She was indicted this week on five counts of Sexual Activity With a Student.
The Sheriff says she apparently learned about the indictments on social media and fled the area.
She then turned herself in at the Mecklenburg County Detention Center in Charlotte.
Sheriff Derrick Palmer stated “Our youth and our students are one of the greatest resources that Cherokee County is blessed to have. It is incumbent upon all of us to ensure their safety and well being as they grow and mature.”

Female Teacher Sex Scandals: The worst kept secret, ever.
This shit is so rampant it makes you wonder how many are happening RIGHT NOW that we don't even know of yet.
I am going to take a shot in the dark and say that Kayla 'Sprinkles' is her stripper name, not her birth name. Just putting that out there, calling bullshit. The authorities, given the fact that they seem to be tight-lipped these days and lazy with the details, should perhaps look into whether or not our gurl 'Sprinkles' herself all over men at night over near the train tracks at the local strip joint. Teacher by day, pole greaser by night?
With that out of the way and out of the system, wow; there must be something in the air this week because there seems to be a lot of new contestants trying to play the game of: Who Can Blow Their Student and Career Away before years end. I mean, we haven't got a hag in a while; these bat-shit crazy females are coming in HOT, YOUNG (Not sure about tight) and FRESH into their teaching careers.
We don't have Hazels doing this shit: Instead we have chicks like our gurl here and many others; most men would drag their balls through a mile of broken glass and lemon juice, just to hear these illustrious female teachers fart through a telephone.
The Report Card
Methodology: Again, why are these Sheriff offices/authorities leaving out the juice from the peach and giving us just the pit? How am I suppose to give a solid grade if you give me nothing? 5 counts of 'sexual activity' is more vague than a teacher during parent-teacher night.
5 counts of sexual activity these days can mean anything from an ass squeeze one night and four blowjays the next; to three finger-blasts and anal with a Antigua Basket-Fuck as dessert!
Work with us, not against us and everyone wins! The public has the right to know all the horny details and I could use the work; instead of ranting like I am right now when I should be running down the execution of a possible FTSS, star.
There are just so many other female teachers who are busting their ass off out there, doing more than just '5 counts'; I can't in good conscience give full marks unless we get more details. You can blame the authorities for your low grade.
Integrity: Our gurl apparently fled the scene after she got word via social media that the authorities had her marked. Listen, Sprinkles (if that is your real name). If you are going to play this game you gotta see it through to the end and show poise. Where is the passion, Kayla?
Where is the love story? Why did you give up so fast? Most FTSS teachers we have covered on here denied, denied, denied until the very end. Hell, some, like Nicole Jackson & Oscar O'Neal (aka-Lil Pooh), have even ran off with their students and have had the police launch a full man-hunt through multiple states! This game of 'hot teacher pussy on underage dick' is not for the faint of heart; you need to dig deep and think with your vagina first and ignore your primal flight or fight response system.
Presentation/looks: The hot ones are always psycho; dynamites in the sack. I would take her cross country, though. Usually cross-country coaches look like malnourished and weathered hyenas with poor bone structure and leathery skin from all the sun-runs. Kayla looks like she could snap your dick like a celery stick during cow-girl position; a real tiger in the sack. Our gurl not only has the I-love-to-fuck crazy eyes, but she also (in her mugshot) looks like she is proud and happy with what she has accomplished.
Her wide, dilated eyes tell the story that those '5 counts' were definitely worth it. Something tells me she is just excited to be in hand-cuffs.
Gotta feel for the husband as he looks like he knows in the picture (I blurred his face but I already saw) he out-kicked his coverage. When in reality, his teacher girl is sexting and doing '5 counts' of sexy stuff with the middle school QB (most likely).

Overall Grade