Listen, Brianna, if you are reading this, I need to have sex with you.
And Brianna, before you mention that you have a boyfriend or something, I just want you to know that I am not into guys. So why would you bring him up in the first place? Did I say I want to have sex with him, or with you?
Alright, now that we've got that out of the way...I got to cook about Brianna for a moment. I swear it will only take about 3000 words (about 2 hours for me to type up), that's not even half the regulation size essay you'd have to write for a final paper in college, so just chill.
Brianna Ford Has Something That A lot Of Women In America Can't Have
Look, we have to do this. Just hear me out on this one, but there is just something about Brianna Ford that I can't put my finger on at the moment. I wish I could, but she's not here with me.
She has this je ne sais quoi about her and it's driving me nuts. Is it her eyes, her long hair, that cute, full-of-life face with a southern charm? There is just something different about this chick that sets her apart from at least 60-70% of American women.
What is it?
Perhaps the reason for the attention she receives is her adorable face, which stands out among all the women on UTA's volleyball team. Despite being 6 feet tall, she exudes the charm of a petite southern belle.
Alternatively, it might be due to her noticeable camel toe (maybe).
It's difficult to determine the exact reason at this moment. I am mentally working on it, but in the back of my mind I know the answer is probably (as usual) right in front of my face, screaming at me and is abundantly noticeable to everyone else who is reading this.
This week's pick was very difficult to choose. As most of you know by now, every week I am selecting a new female college volleyball player to feature on Twitter (X).
I am on a pilgrimage. An expedition, if you will. There are literally hundreds of colleges and universities I am hitting up; sifting through every girl's roster card, Instagram, and VSCO account in order to find not only the hottest on every team, but also to hopefully find the elusive, perfect camel toe.
It is the Holy Grail of such a quest.
I can't think of any other explorer who has done this, ever.
Call me a pioneer. To be honest, I am just a man in search of beauty and Greatness.
I've looked through at least 30+ different schools since the start of September. Many girls are in the que and have been pre-selected to be featured; the Twitter posts have been scheduled, but are subject to change.
This week I went back and fourth trying to decide between a few. I have a red head rocket from the University of Miami that I was going to feature and I need to spend more time on Texas A&M's roster because there are just too many girls on that team that could qualify, not to mention, whoever their photographer is, he knows what he is doing. High quality stuff!
Brianna Ford was just the right choice in the end. She has a great catalog, and it's full of perfect and tasteful, white-girl camel toe. Southern sliz.
You can't just ignore that considering how hard it is to find.
Out of the scores of women so far, not many sport one, and if they do, it doesn't look good. It's either too meaty, fat, too shy, too tucked in, too flat, or it looks like beef teriyaki wrapped in your grandma's window drapes. The type of camel toe where you'd need chopsticks in order to straighten it out.
Hence, it is a rare find when a tasteful and proportional one does appear.
There Are Milestones In Every Man's Life
In life, men of culture may be fortunate enough to experience these milestones: His first beer, first video game system, first cum, first time punching his dick through a woman's pussy lips, first time punching a methhead or homeless person, first stock trade, first career, becoming an author/publishing not one but five novels, and lastly, enduring a pilgrimage to find the hottest female volleyball players in colleges across America; searching for high grade camel toe.
Every man, at least once in his life, needs to go on a pilgrimage. A hunt.
One of the most noble and selfless pilgrimages is the one that involves routinely sexually objectifying female volleyball players (as they also do in front of their own mirror) and finding the ones who have the best camel toes in all of the land.
The focus is on discovering and uncovering a perfect, prominent camel toe that is so striking that it prompts one to enlarge the image to occupy 50% or more of the space on a thumbnail graphic, using it as the central theme for a critical, scathing sermon on society.
If you don't go on a pilgrimage in search of the hottest college female volleyball players in America, well, you may just be a big homosexual.
If you don't like that I am going on this journey, and trying to make camel toes Great Again, then just kill yourself!
This is important.
It's more than just about finding a good juicy moose knuckle in tight booty shorts, this is about brining America together.
This is about (hot)women in sports. It is about making sure that straight white women are being included and given a proportional, per capita representation out there.
I am seeing way too many lesbians and blacks on TV, in movies, commercials and also featured in sports as of late. Very racist and bigoted of the mainstream!
I cannot think of a more exhausting, painstaking, yet ultimately rewarding mission such as the one noted above. I can say this, because I am living it right now in real time as I type this.
Unlike finding hot female teachers (who make the 6 o'clock news cycle), I actually have to do way more work than I am use to. Fuck my life.
Guys, I am just not used to this sort of sleuthing. It's like playing a whole different sport, using different muscles I have never used or haven't used in a long time. It's like that first hockey practice after the summer break, and the day later you are down bad. When I started this expedition, I thought it would be a slice of sliz; like a fat girl finding a peach pie in a local bakery.
Boy, was I wrong!
On almost every fucking team, maybe 25-40% of the chicks either don't have social media, or the team's site doesn't display it (so I have to go and search for the goddamn thing). On top of that, if the girl is a freshman or sophomore, it is likely that her IG only has maybe 10 pictures, and one photo of her in a uniform. Don't get me started about the lack of bikini pics too!
As my readers know by now, I demand satisfaction!
Standards are high. I treat women just like I would a man, so I expect Greatness (as a woman)! That's equality!
Almost every chick, from Freshman-Graduate take pictures in their bikini with anywhere from one-to-twenty other fucking girls. Very hard to find just a high quality pic of just them in a bikini by the ocean, a pool, or with some fucking palm trees and a beautiful sunset.
And now, for my greatest pet-peeve and thing I have learned so far on this journey for the Greats.
Nike Sucks At Making Women's Volleyball Shorts; Very Poor At Producing Great Toe!
By sifting through scores of team's individual photo shoots, one will learn a great deal. I've learned that a lot of teams Jew-out on the photographer and thus, I see a lot of low-quality shots. Listen, if you are a coach or manager, you need to spare no expense when it comes to women, or you I am afraid are actually sexist and an oppressor.
I could Make Camel Toes Great Again
Do you know how many potential camel toes were lost in the fray because a school got Jewish and decided to hire some soccer mom with an iPhone to do the whole shoot for the team? Countless, like I can't even begin to tell you how many opportunities were lost by my count.
I am somewhat of a professional myself. I could take these pictures. I could get the lighting right, I am a man after all. How hard could it be? Harder than my cock is while looking at Brianna? I know what to look for. I know how to sell those posters; I know what guys want to see. You think women are watching these chicks? get the fuck outta here!
I could probably get almost every girl in a shoot to produce a camel toe!
I could bring it out of them, you just have to get them comfortable, get them loose, get them in the right angles, play with the lights. Vibe with them, play with them a little. Build some tension. Get them to blossom right in front of you by leading them with the lens.
What I am saying is, you just need to spend the time with these women and give them the attention they so need. Nobody cares anymore, but you know what? I fucking care!
Give me the goddamn camera and I'll get these chicks to produce camel toes at every shoot; moose knuckles like you've never seen before in America, not since the early 2000's. I can make them Great Again!
Some girls are too far away from the shot, the angles suck, lighting is terrible for revealing any camel toe whatsoever and some girls are just not camera friendly to put it nicely.
There are some teams that I found with a roster full of just black girls.
Instant 'next'! I don't entertain teams that aren't diverse or aren't reflective of the population on a per capita basis!
One team down south, I think it was Alabama State, had like one white girl on the team. Pathetic. No diversity whatsoever! Very little Caucasians. Very racist team!
However, putting aside the lack of white women on teams, and school's going full-Jew by penny-pitching on photographers, the trend I am seeing is that the girls look the best when wearing shorts made by Adidas or Under Armour.
Nike, the worst. I don't know what Asian sweatshop is producing Nike's shit, but holy fuck, how are white girls suppose to sport a camel toe in those? The seam position and fabric selection is just terrible! I am at the point where you assholes just need to hire me as a fabric picker for your shorts!
If you have been paying close attention, you would have noticed that not one, but all three of the girls whose camel toe we've talked about all wore shorts that weren't made by Nike. They either had Adidas or The Armour on.
I rest my case.
I notice things. That's what I do!
I talk about real things, like when a camel toe is hogging all of the attention during a chick's photoshoot. It needs to be talked about. It should be talked about because why else would a young woman proudly sport such a display of intimate art?
If we don't discuss Brianna Ford's perfectly manicured moose knuckle, I am sure she'd feel bad. And we don't want white girls in North America to feel bad now, don't we? She made the effort. I feel like she wants to give it attention or for someone to at least care! Nobody cares anymore in today's society. Everyone is on their phones not paying attention.
Well you know what?!
I payed attention. I noticed, Brianna!
It's a beautiful fucking toe, girl!
My God, I'd do nasty things to you.
That's the type of pussy you'd want to slouch down in a movie theatre chair in order to finger-bang it.
I'd fill that thing up like a Boston Cream donut.
I'd shoot a full load over your camel toe and call it my Mono Lisa. Oh!
Fortunately, your team's decision to not select Nike as their sponsor and shorts supplier was a wise one. Things could have taken a different turn if they had. By that I mean, I would've closed the browser window on your profile and your potential.
With that said, I think I love Brianna. I'd allow her to massage my balls and drain them. That's true love.
I love women.
What I hate though is: Fat women and their bullshit.
Big difference.
Fat Women Should Be Sanctioned As 'Eco-Terrorists'
Obese women in America should be mocked and shamed, yes. However, we are way past the shaming phase when 60-70% of American women now are either overweight or obese. The time for dicking around on this is over.
Were you aware that the primary cause of death for women is not the patriarchy, inequality, men, or abortion?
I know, right? Weird.
I would've for sure thought it was abortion, too.
What is it then?

Being fat.
Who knew?
It's shocking that being fat as a woman causes heart disease and also, men not wanting to have sex with you and treat you nice. I know, incredible.
Fat-shaming is a life-saving social tool that women just can't seem to understand. It's because women lack self-awareness, just like children.
It's funny, children can't vote.
So why can women?
It's not just an aesthetic problem, an assault on our eyes and senses, this is literally a crisis that has massive economic implications as we are seeing play out in real-time.
Look at Brianna Ford. She is not fat.
How do I know? Well, she has a perfectly tight camel toe.
No FUPA and no GUNT.
I don't need a forklift to have sex with her; lift up her FUPA so I can toss flour over her crotch in order to find the wet spot on her 12-pound pussy!
Ladies, what is stopping you from looking like Brianna Ford, Calie Dockery or Kali Jergensmeier?
Men cannot control their height; being 6ft + is set from birth.
Women can control their weight, though. It's not difficult.
All women have to do in order to be successful in life is to be fit, be feminine and friendly. Yet, they can't seem to do any of those in modern times. It's because they are all too busy trying to be like the men they want to fuck and marry. It's a mental-disorder.
How can a woman possibly then become a (successful) CEO if she can't do simple things like the three F's (fit, friendly and feminine)?

We have a lot of obese Bossgirls out there running businesses into the ground, though. It's likely due to them being so fat that it takes them half the morning to get out of bed, got to the bathroom, head to the kitchen (to have another brownie), then to the car, then to Starbucks for lunch because they already missed the morning meetings, and then finally to their desk by 1:15 PM!
Heaven forbid a woman is on her period because that would require her to take a 'mental health' day off work, or three depending on how wide-set her vagina is and her flow!
And before all the haters, libtard feminists and homosexuals chime in and say, "Well...why don't we fine and jail men for being fat?".
Men don't need to be fit to make money.
"Well, why don't we fine or jail men for not making enough money?"
If you imprison men, who is going to run society, pay for a woman's rent, her car, vacations and be taxed to support the ever increasing welfare state and government jobs that women 'work' at?"
The issue is, a nation with hot and beautiful women will be more productive. Men will want to date, fuck and spend a bunch of money in order to fuck said attractive women. Men will aspire for Greatness; incentives matter or producing halts. And all it takes is for the majority of women to go to the gym for an hour 3-5 days a week instead of spending an hour or more a night scrolling through Tiktok and watching Netflix.

Just think how many billions of dollars are being lost in nominal GDP growth because 60-70% of women are fat, unattractive, heart-attack waiting, landwhales.
No man is flying fatty McGoo out to Bora Bora for a 2-week all you can eat and fuck.
No man is driving two cities over to shoot a full load onto the face and snatch of Mrs. Patty Cake (Hyphenated) I-Need-Another-Donut like a retard needs a SAT test!
No man is buying gifts. No man is cumming inside millions of fat women's pussies to produce offspring which would entail a lot of spending: House, commodities, cars, electronics, vacations, energy, gas, clothing, sports, school, food, furniture etc.
No man is forking out for the wedding and eventual lawyers and divorce attorneys!

Fat women are economic terrorists.
It's no wonder why the birth rate in North America is complete dogshit!
Who would want to have sex with 60-70% of women?
So yes, fat women should be fined and at the most, serve some jail time and take a Landwhale Rehab course. Maybe do some concentration camps where they can concentrate on exercise, cooking homemade meals, and healthy diets and habits, instead of starring at their phones all day on the couch while eating Takis and ordering Skip The Dish.
If most women are obese or overweight, they will be a burden on the healthcare system. Why are the wait times here in Canada 3-5 hours to see a doctor in the hospital? Well, many women here resemble Grimace from the McDonald's commercials.
You are waiting for overweight women (and people in general) to be cleared of a heart attack or rushed to the ER for chest pains, breathing problems, clogged arteries, needing to get the defibrillator paddles charged again. Not to mention that being fat causes a variety of other commodities and health issues that require trips to the hospital.
So, when fat women over 30 aren't sending me hate-mail and trying to message me, they are likely spending the rest of their time by either eating (let's be honest) or in the Emergency room of a hospital (probably also getting fed their too).
When you sum it all up, fat women aren't really doing a whole lot to contribute to society. Between sending me hate mail, voting for the 'right' to the kill the unborn babies that they will never have because no man will ever fuck them, and making trips to the ER, fat women are such a drain on the economy.
They just consume. They don't even produce babies. And if they did, they would probably just abort them because most fat women vote Libtard and are feminist. Also, they'd abort their own child because deep down they know that means less food for them. A welfare check can only go so far!
If the majority of your women are fat, then the majority of women on TV and in ads are going to be fat. No wonder morale is so low; it's no surprise women's college volleyball has grown in popularity!

Women are better than men...at being fat and obese. Congrats!
Who is going to buy your product other than fat women with no money? Why is the economy struggle-bussing along while the government keeps trying to prop it up with money printing to make it seem like everything is fine?
You can judge a person a lot by how clean their car is. Chances are, their bedroom or house will look the same.
You can tell a lot about a country by how good their women look. American, and Canada...basically the entire West is one giant fat chick feeding on the carcass that was once such a beautiful and healthy place.
There use to be a lot more thigh gaps, and a ton more perfect camel toes back when we told women, "Shut up! Suck my cock." and "No, you can't have another brownie, fatty!"
And you know what? Women were happier, heathier and didn't complain because if they did, they'd be homeless and forgotten. Big Daddy government wasn't there before to carry her.
Get rid of the welfare state, you end obesity. You have to stop allowing women to vote though, that's the only problem.
Women suffer when they have suffrage.
Everyone will suffer, eventually.
It's just a matter of how much do you want to suffer, and for how long?
No More Suffering, It's Time For Brianna To Show Us The Goods!

Under Armour FTW!

She knows it, I know it. We All know it. Be proud.

This is giving me blue balls

A true White American Woman loves her country, and is proud of her perfect camel toe
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