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Notre Dame's Cailey Dockery's Camel Toe And Why It Would Be Sexist, Rude And Racist Not To Talk About It

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

Guys, we have to talk about this. It would be impolite not to do so.

It's there, and it's not like we can just ignore it. Cailey Dockery from the Notre Dame's women's volleyball team, made the effort to showcase the lovely outline of her snatch to everyone on her volleyball posters. It's almost as if she wants somebody to mention it, or notice it. So, you're going to have to allow me to put my chef hat on; let me cook about it!

If you are wondering why we are going to talk briefly (probably going to be a 3000-word essay, ngl!) about Cailey Dockery's camel toe and are upset about the topic, well, you're probably a huge homosexual. Or, a 40+ year old woman who can't get younger guys, or men her age to have sex with her, because those men are all fucking tighter, younger, and more attractive women.

You need to close the window and leave this blog immediately. Stop reading, don't even bother sending me hate mail; just kill yourself and save everyone the time, pain, and agony. I am going to discuss (in detail) what my thoughts are on Cailey's magically delicious camel toe and the human response.

Hickery, dockery, dick, Cailey come over here a suck my prick!

This girl needs a full-load shot into her, my God! What a toe!

This is what freedom of speech is all about. This is what private ownership (of a website) is all about. This is what the real American (not the fake and gay one) is all about. If you don't like it, fuck off and kill yourself, faggot!

This is bigger than Cailey's camel toe; this is bigger than all of us. It's not just about her mighty moose knuckle. This is about the white heterosexual male's journey, his truth; the struggle (Kampf) and the ultimate triumph.

I talk about real things, I write about real stuff that people can't contextualize themselves. Life.

What I don't talk about are imaginary things like: equality, healing crystals, diversity being our strength and the oppression of women. I talk about what is right in front of me, things I can see with my own eyes. And right now, Cailey's camel toe is right in my goddamn, fucking face.

Can't miss it!

It's the reason why I have a successful website and five published novels that have sold thousands of copies around the globe. It's why I can come on here and talk about something as innocuous like a young woman's perfect camel toe, at length, and use it as a theme to talk about broader issues in society and then tie it all up at the end in a neat bow.

Who do you know, in your life, that does such a thing? That can, do as such?

Who do you even know on the interwebs who talks about this type of thing?

Exactly. Nobody.

And that is why people like me (published authors) make up less than 1% of the population. If anyone could do this, then 80% of the population would. But they don't, because most people aren't creative, or have the intellect to do anything like this.

Most people are afraid to take risks; most people are cowards. They are too ego-invested and concerned about what people may think about them, or might think about their writing. To do this well, you can't be like most people. It's like getting successful with women, you have to not give-a-fuck and talk to them as if you've already taken them to the next solar system; banged their pussy out of the stratosphere.

If women were truly oppressed, then Cailey Dockery would never have been allowed to flaunt her meaty mooseknuckle all over the place like that.

Yet, I just know once I post this, some snapfuck-midwit is going to send me a 50-pager rager, autistic email telling me how much of an asshole I am for simply noticing things.

They will incoherently write about how much of a prick I am for creating a thumbnail that has Cailey's pronounced pussy taking up the majority of the canvas. Yeah, I am the 'bad guy' for just pointing out what everyone else noticed the second they saw Cailey Dockery featured on Twitter as our Female College Volleyball Player of the Week.

What most people don't understand is that Cailey wanted us all to notice her camel toe. She's a white girl from North America. It's their prerogative.

It sells more posters. It makes the sport of women's volleyball watchable.

It's a win for women, it's also a win for men. More importantly, it's a win for America.

Let's make America Great Again, one hot white girl camel toe at a time!

I am A Man On A Truly Important Mission From God, A Digital Expedition

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

Some have said that I am "doing the Lord's work." I would have to reluctantly agree. I've had men email me, saying things like, "This is stunningly brave, a courageous journey this is." A few dykes have said similar things. I appreciate all of your reviews concerning the quest I am on.

However, I want to try and stay a bit humble on Cailey Dockery's slice of pie, because that fucking seam on the front of her volleyball shorts is doing the Lord's work.

We can all thank the child who sat for endless hours in a Chinese sweatshop for stitching those perfect shorts together. We thank you. You have honor. The fortune cookie is Cailey's camel toe.

At the start of September, I pledged to my readers that I would set out on a journey, in search for Greatness.

Every week from the beginning of the college volleyball season to the end, I will feature a female college volleyball player of the week. In order to do this, I have to travel to many college websites and boldly go where no normie stuck in a 9-5 job, with a wife, kids and no time, has gone before; an exhausting, yet rewarding trek through hundreds of roster cards and Instagram profiles. There are literally Hitler, hundreds to go through in order to find the standout player on a team's 2024-25 roster. I am burning more calories than the Jews did at Auschwitz!

Some nights I don't sleep; some days I hardly get a chance to eat. This journey will surely take its toll on my body by the end of the volleyball season. However, I am willing to sacrifice my health if it means making white women great again, and making sure we include more hot white women (white people) for diversity's sake.

Lately, there appears to be a noticeable scarcity of representation of attractive white women in movies, commercials, workplaces, advertisements, and public spaces. Instead, there seems to be an overabundance of black individuals, homosexuals, and obese women being featured, while white individuals are notably absent. This is truly not an accurate representation of our culture and has its roots in racism; a deep hatred of white people that goes back to the days white people should've picked their own cotton instead.

White people and women, included the darkies into society by allowing them to come over, in a boat, all-inclusive, paid for by white people, so that they could pick some cotton and not live in a mud hut in Africa. As thanks, the darkies now claim that they are oppressed and need the white man to give them 'reoperations'. If America is so bad, then why not just go back to Africa then?

Promoting an anti-inclusive environment towards white people is highly concerning, dangerous, and racist, especially considering that white people constitute the majority of the population but are not adequately represented in most films, TV shows, commercials, etc., in today's media. By doing our part by featuring hot white women in tight volleyball uniforms, we are committed to addressing this issue.

The Visceral Impact of Notre Dame's Cailey Dockery's Camel Toe

There are only a few reasons why a grown man should ever cry. One is at your father's funeral, another is when there is no beer left in the fridge, and the last one is getting to witness the perfect white girl camel toe. A gift from God. It's literally the 9th wonder of the world.

Look it up.

The main goal/mission being to find overall beauty in one player or more on every team's roster. However, and more allusive, is also the side quest of finding pure gold: The best camel toe if possible.

The camel toe is rare to find, however, we've already found two of the best I have ever seen (in all of women's sports) in just a month of sifting through rosters.

Our first was Nebraska Omaha's Kali Jurgensmeier's impressive, high grade camel toe, and now we have Notre Dame's Cailey Dockery's.

It's a weird coincidence that both their names are Cailey/Kali (different spelling), and both have roughly the same body type/camel toe. What a find!

In my opinion, the women's volleyball team for Nortre Dame is one of the most impressive teams I have come across on my travels with regards to overall hottness. A decent amount of cute girls on the team with potential if their Instagrams were more polished. This deficit usually occurs with a lot of the Freshman or Sophomore chicks.

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe
'List Mode'

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe
'Grid Mode'

The other good thing about Notre Dame's roster is that I found there to be little to almost no black women on the team. This is bad because it meant I had to click on almost every single profile and do my due diligence; it took a while. It was a good thing because more white women are being given the chance to be represented in today's culture and society. A culture that is increasingly racist and non-inclusive towards Caucasians it seems. So, good on you, Notre Dame. This is progress in the right direction!

When I first visited the site on my expedition, I remember doing a quick scan and reconnaissance. I must have missed Cailey's profile on the initial look because I left that day with mixed impressions about who I should choose from the team; nobody stood out greatly. I was in 'List Mode' (which doesn't show their face) when I was scanning, and my brain must have missed her name because when I came back in the following days for a second retreat, I was floored by what I saw.

This time, I was looking at the roster in 'Grid Mode' and thought to myself, "Huh, I don't remember this name (Cailey Dockery)...she's fucking hot!". As soon as I clicked on her IG, and saw her poster pictures, I knew I'd found pure gold. The search was over, because I had a 12 incher hard in my sweat pants.

What a fucking toe!

"How did I not see this before. How did I miss Cailey on the first dive?" I didn't dive deep enough. I am glad I did, eventually.

I Dove right into, and got smacked in the face by a giant, wild, moose knuckle.

And, sideview camel toe, that's when you know its good.

I mean, that thing is front and center.

She's proud of that thing, as she should be. We all should be proud because it is truly patriotic to sport one as white girl from North America who is thin and feminine. What is more American than a slice of pie starring at you like that?

That thing is a print panther; just painted on.

That's the type of camel toe you'd wanna shoot a full-load into, seriously.

Actually, never mind that. I'd want to shoot a load all over the front of that thing, sit back afterwards, watch it drip down her snatch to her ass-crack and admire my masterpiece.

To all the haters and homosexuals out there, don't get lippy with me now! Kill yourself!

Top tier toe, no question.

Even though most of my readers are American, I bet you all would French kiss both her lips. It wouldn't be treason, it's okay.

One thing that has to be brought up and criticized is: Volleyball girls that choose to wear the tight pants as opposed to the traditional tight booty shorts. I have a bone(er) to pick with these types of female 'players'.

Look, ladies. If you aren't going to 'play the game' correctly, then don't fucking play at all!

it is a disgrace if you choose to dress down and wear the pants. It is viewed as a feminist protest to all of us. With that said, I will be harsh and not even entertain any female college volleyball player, nor feature her, if I find out that her photoshoot contains such sinful behavior and betrayal. It's booty shorts, or nothing. You can't present a good camel toe in those pants, anyways! So what are you really accomplishing out there?

Thin, Attractive, White Women Aren't Being Properly Included Or Represented In Society

I think I can speak for the majority of Americans when I say that everyone is sick and tired of white people...being marginalized. Hot white women, especially.

12% of the American population is black...or sorry, are niggers, oh wait sorry, are 'people of color', oh shit my bad, what are they calling themselves these days? It's very confusing, just like how it is confusing as to why black people haven't built Africa yet.

One day they are all calling each other niggers in rap videos and online, and then the next you can't call them niggers. African American then? If black people are so amazing, then why are most of you all on welfare? If black lives matter, then why do you all kill and shoot each other so much in places like Chicago, New York, California...and wait for it....Africa?

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

Black lives don't matter, clearly as per black people.

All lives also don't matter because all lives are not equally great. This is because equality is a myth and doesn't exist in nature, anywhere. If you are a retard, exclaiming that "All Lives Matter", then I have to ask you, "Does the life of an axe-murdering serial killer matter, too?"

If you answered "yes" to the above, you are clearly retarded and need to kill yourself, effective immediately.

I've heard Canada has a good MAID program that can assist you!

I am all for assisted suicided, because there are a lot of people in society that need to die; mostly mentally-ill liberals and retarded communists.

You are all equally worthy of being killed.

To add to this, less than 2% of the population is homosexual or gay. Yet, when you turn on your TV or watch a movie in the theater, all you see are black people and gay individuals. In commercials, it's almost as if every couple in America is either mixed race, black, or gay. Not really "diverse" if you ask me honestly. Not entirely or fairly representative of the total population, to be perfectly clear.

This is white replacement and it needs to stop because white people built everything that the blacks and other minorities will soon destroy, because they all hail from a place (the 3rd world) that has never progressed or been built by their own kind. It's not racist, it's just called 'noticing a few things'.

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

This is the reason why low-IQ migrants are eager to come here and rely on white individuals.

They aim to deceive and defraud their way into authority by portraying themselves as victims and undermining the government and the institutions it oversees in order to obtain what they believe they deserve. This behavior is typical of unintelligent individuals. Unable to compete fairly for the opportunity to excel and succeed, they resort to manipulation and deception instead.

You can't force people to think you are hot. Hottness is not a right, it is a privilege. You can make all the movies, TV shows and ads you want depicting obese black women and gays, but you will still lose money and go bankrupt.

Subsequently, these individuals with low intelligence will seek assistance from others (such as the government or individuals of Caucasian descent). Cailey Dockery, along with similar girls, have earned the right to be attractive. Additionally, her Caucasian ethnicity and presumed superior genetic makeup contribute to this. Hitler's views on this matter were not inaccurate. He was also correct about Jews, Black individuals, and Communists.

There is a reason why they never translate Hiter's speeches or show them in context.

They just show him screaming all the time, pounding the lectern and making you think he is just 24/7 all about just killing Jews. If you've ever read Mein Kampf, the book is 90% about nation building and 10% about how the Jews try to form a nation state within other nation states; basically Jews are parasites. 100% objectively correct. He wasn't wrong, it's just he lost the war. Only the winners of wars get to set the narrative.

Thin, young and attractive white women are the most sought after sex/race. Not just within their own race, but all other races would prefer to sleep with white women. That tells you a lot right there. Do you see a convoy of migrant dingys and boats trying to set sail for other 3rd world countries in order to get Bob & Vagene? No.

Why is it that they all want to come here, to the West?

Why is it that every fucking night on the 6 O'clock news, all I see doing all the crime, all the sexual assaults/rape of white women, are naggers and East Indians? It's because nobody, and I mean nobody, want these people here.

The only reason why they are here is because they[the people in power] are trying to replace white people because white people are difficult to control and are a 'threat' to their "democracy" (i.e dictatorship).

It's why they try to divide white women and men from each other with the courts, feminism and through the education system.

This is why Cailey Dockery's show of camel toe is so important.

White people built modern civilization. More specifically, hot, thin white women aroused men to be great decades, if not centuries ago. The sole reason why men build and create impressive things is to gain access to a white woman's tight box. Roads, bridges, trains, planes, and automobiles, all of these inventions helped society progress.

More importantly, these triumphs helped men travel faster and greater distances so that could have sex with more white women and increase their sexual diversity (appetite).

To spread thy seed across many fields far and wide. To see as many camel toes as possible; to fuck as many moose knuckles as humanly possible. Women were happier because the men were doing more things; men were happy too because they were getting their stomachs filled while their balls were being drained. Which allows men to go to what they need to do: Create, innovate, and execute with a purpose.

Do you think seeing a fat, ugly, black homosexual propels men toward greatness?

No, this is why we are in stagflation.

Or do you think that a thin, young, blonde haired and blue-eyed woman with a perfectly molded camel toe would arouse such greatness in a man?

I don't think Cailey Dockery understood the ramifications when she had those photos taken of her and her tasteful camel toe. She is a woman after all and they don't understand these macro concepts. It's okay, it's why they are cute.

You can't tell me that she wasn't aware she had camel toe the whole time.

I think there is a total of 5+ pictures of her with that pronounced, plump pussy portrait.

Praise the cameraman. He knew what he was doing, too.

Just ask The Great One, Himself. He has done photography professionally and would know what I am referring to. The photographer who did the lighting for Cailey's photoshoot set 100% knew what they were doing. I can always tell when looking through the photoshoots of a lot of these girls. The photographer that took Kali Jugensmeier's shots knew what they were doing in order to showcase said camel toe.

Proper lighting is crucial, particularly when the girls are in dark shorts. The focus is on creating shadows. I believe that if Bob Ross were alive today, he could skillfully paint a camel toe, even better than he could paint log cabins. Ross excelled in landscapes and visual appeal, not architectural structures. With camel toe, aesthetics are everything.

Camel toe is primarily a matter of appearance. It occurs naturally as a result of the fabric conforming to the body. Consider it as a woman's canvas. Your role as the 'artist' is to enhance it using tools such as lighting and a high-definition camera. Share your vision with the world.

Cailey's camel toe is more than just about the outline of her pussy.

It's about the beauty they[Communists] want to take away from you.

This is about the soul of America and what is truly American. Diversity is not our strength, it will be our downfall. America was at it's peak when it was homogeneous, not homosexual.

If you do not agree that hot white women should be more represented, included, then well, you are a fucking racist and sexist bigot.

Kill yourself.

May I present To You, Cailey Dockery's Tasteful and Professional, Camel Toe

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

That thing is something to be proud of. We are all smiling, trust me.

I'd give her a standing ovation, but I run the risk of hitting my beer can and spilling all over the keyboard...

The lighting here is just exquisite. Look at how the shadows form off her mound and around the crevice between her labia. You can see every detail and wrinkle in the fabric. Her hip structure and lower abdomen is perfectly fit.

Praise the cameraman! A true hero and scholar.

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

That seam is doing the Lord's work...

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

Not sure what has more of a grip; her hand on the ball

or Cailey's vag on those tight shorts.

Cailey is a professional. This pose takes poise to pull off.

Knowing you have a serious camel toe going on, but at the same time putting on a stoic face that says, "Yeah, I know its there...what are you going to do...stare at it all day?"

Yes, and talk about it too.

Right now I probably have about 8,000 of my website readers making nose prints on their screens.

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe

Sporting a camel toe is the most patriotic thing a white woman can do.

Change My Mind.

This Post Is Brought To You By: Burning The Midnight

Notre Dame Cailey Dockery Camel Toe
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