Listen, Ally, If you are reading this, the TL/DR version of this post is basically this:
Look, I need to have sex with you..and get all up in that sliz of yours.
If a little bedtime reading is your thing before you tuck that perfect Toe in for a goodnight's sleep, then read on ahead. Email me some nudes if you want, Ally.
I just might fly out to * checks notes * Maryland (oh God...) to watch you go for Greatness.
Maryland Terrapin's Ally Williams Is Proud To Be A White Woman, Feminine & of Her Pronounced Camel Toe
Ally Williams of the Maryland Terrapins women's volleyball team is our featured player of the week. I've never seen Ally play a minute of volleyball, but I am sure she is great.
I read (briefly, unlike this post) that she's apparently a very good defensive specialist. That's nice. She probably has a great personality, I'm sure too.
I can't verify any of the above for myself. However, I did notice her camel toe. I'd be lying if I said that her smile was the first thing I noticed; it was a close second.
That's a fact. Now, was that[Ally's beaut of a Toe] the main factor as to why she was rushed front and center to the stage as our Hot Female College Volleyball Player of the Week?
Do you think I am that much of a rabid, analog male?
Do you believe I would be so bias towards the women who show off their perfect moose knuckle for 'likes', giggles, and to sell more posters and sponsored products on their IG?
A capitalist?
(i.e) Empowered women who know their true worth?
No, it's because she's not black.. or obese (the two usually go together).
Okay, maybe she does have a perfect Toe, too.
Speaking of the blacks. So, this week I spent a good chunk of time cataloging and sifting through more colleges and their rosters. Next up on the map was Tennessee State (TSU Tigers). It took me all but 10 seconds to view the roster and then quickly exit out; closed the tab in a fit of rage. I pressed my mouse button pretty hard. There was one white woman on the team; a couple avocado pickers (Mexicans); and the rest of the team were blacks. A very racist team.
No diversity at TSU.
One white girl!
Let me hit y'all with a bit of knowledge, mkay?
Tennessee is a U.S State. It's a southern state.
During the last census in 2019, only about 5.5% of Tennessee's population is foreign born.
In terms of ethnicity:
Pacific Islanders make up .1% of total pop.
Native American, .2%.
Asian, 1.9%
Hispanic/Latino, 6.9%
African American, 17%
White (non Hispanic) 74.6%
After reviewing the data, can you please explain to me the issue on Tennessee State's women's volleyball team? Oh, you can?
That's right! How can the entire roster be made up of: 95% blacks, 4% tequila drinkers and 1% greatness (white), when the state has a 74% white population? Not really an accurate representation of the state as a whole if you'd ask me!
Thus, a very racist team towards whites. Probably one of the more bigoted teams I have had the displeasure of reviewing so far.
A lot of people say that the southern states are the most racist.
And you know what, I for once agree.
I feel horrible for the white people living there as their state's women's volleyball team clearly has a 'blacks only' agenda. They are not about 'diversity'. Instead they are about superiority and replacement. Your forefathers really should've picked their own cotton because now women's volleyball and it's traditional aesthetic is what's at stake here.
Imagine being that one white girl on the team, being surrounded by a bunch of overweight, loud-mouth mammoths, greasing up the volleyball with their fried chicken fingers and wondering why the team sucks, and why the ball keeps slipping from their hands or slicing into the audience.
How are you suppose to be great with that going on?
How are you suppose to soar with the eagles, when you are surrounded by buzzards?
Again, what a racist team!
That one white girl must be so ostracized and anxious everyday, being peer-pressured into eating a crappy diet of deep fried pickles and influenced into single-mom culture.
Team meetings probably consist of ordering Popeye's and outlining how they are going to get reparations, and or swap stories about Tyrone's 12-incher inseminating them three times in one night, making their pussies and labia look like someone punched tiramisu!
I think in two days I went through about 10 teams. On any given team, the roster usually consists of anywhere between 14-18 women. I must've went through about 140+ Instagram and VSCO accounts, searching for white-girl Greatness. Hunting for the holy grail that is: the endangered, white-girl camel toe.
I will say, Maryland Terrapins women's volleyball team has a lot of hotties, and yes, more moose knuckle than you'd find in the Arabian desert. We might be featuring a couple more from Maryland throughout the season. The other team I noticed that had a lot of smoke-shows was, Auburn.
Hot white women are an endangered species and they must be protected and featured. Way too many blacks and dykes these days hogging up all the air time in sports, movies and TV shows. Not to mention, fat women with a cunty attitude.
I can speak for almost all American's when saying, "This lack of diversity and proper representation is sickening."
It wasn't long ago that white women, hot white women, were everywhere. When you watch old movies from the 1980's what do you notice? Yes, not many black people because they were proportionately and accurately represented with regards to total population. Homosexuals were almost nowhere to be found, because everyone back then was sane, didn't pretend to have a mental-illness for attention, and understood that gays only make-up around 2% of the total population.
Have you ever seen the Jaws films? Notice how their are no fat people on the beach?
That's because people back then didn't eat food as if it was going out of style, sit on their ass all day collecting a welfare check, or working for the government.
Women exercised and cared about their bodies, because they knew what was good for them. Men also, for the most part, cared about their bodies because they were motivated to fuck all the hot women around.
If you are a man today, what motivation do you have when your reward will be an overweight, welfare queen or student loan indebted barista who votes on the sole purpose of making sure she can abort unborn children because she couldn't buy a 12-pack of condoms for $13 or let the guy cum in her mouth instead?
Remember ladies, you have more than one hole. It's called 'planning ahead', something women seem to do very poorly, yet we are told they are oh so smart! Who knew that allowing a guy to cum inside your pussy could get you pregnant!?
Life is a mystery
Everyone must stand alone
I hear you call my name
And it feels like home
When you call my name, it's like a little prayer
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there
In the midnight hour, I can feel your power
Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there
This song by Madonna is a hymn about giving blowjobs.
Ladies, listen to Madonna. Learn it. Know it. Live it. Love it.
Hot White Women Are An Endangered Species
Their camel toe's are too.
Think back to the early 2000's when yoga pants and the founder of Lululemon (a man) changed the world. He went for Greatness and we all benefited because a white man did so. He made something beautiful ( thin white women) even more attractive, ironically with the color black. He was making camel toes great.
My mission here with this series is to make Camel Toes Great Again. Every girl we feature might not have one to sport, it's okay. It's all about the hunt, the expedition and finding the one's who possess such passion for the sport of women's volleyball and proper, tasteful, female fashion.
With that said, I honestly think Lululemon should come up with a design, specifically for women's college volleyball. Or rather, they should be the official short of NCAA Women's College Volleyball.
Anything would be better than what Nike has. Under Armour is pretty good when it comes to material choice and seam design. Nike just doesn't understand camel toe and quite frankly, in my opinion, probably never will. They just don't have the passion for it.
They don't understand what women's college volleyball is all about! If you as a company don't understand the sport, then why do you make apparel for it?
And look, as you can see, Ally Williams is wearing what? Correct, Shorts by Under Armour and not Nike. What did I say in the last post? Yes, that I had noticed a trend: The women I've found so far with amazingly manicured camel toes all had Under Armour shorts on.
That's what I do. I notice things; trends and patterns.
It's how you become good at a lot of things, like the stock market for instance.
It helps to notice what people like and don't like.
And that brings me to our next segment of this post.
Women Ruin Their Own Sports Because They Are In Charge Of Them
A while back, I wrote an article titled, Why The WNBA Is Worth-less Than The NBA, detailing why the WNBA is a complete failure and why female basketball players get paid less, or earn less than their male counter-parts in the NBA. This was around the same time the WNBA, along with the U.S Women's soccer team, were bitching and moaning trying to get financial backers to go into debt (eventually) for them. Equal pay bullshit.
I made the call that the WNBA would fail long before anyone in the mainstream did.
When the focus of your organization shifts from playing the game to woke grifting, it's a five-alarm fire waiting to happen. By the way, did I mention that the Commissioner for the WNBA is a woman? Yeah, Cathy Engelbert.
If the women playing in the WNBA were actually talented (in female standards) and not attractive, there might still be a business here. However, the players are mostly not good at all and are also unattractive lesbians. Not a great combo!
It's really not that complicated to figure out why the WNBA is a place where money goes to burn; it's just like buying a house in Canada. Ask yourself, do you really need to watch the WNBA when you could just watch the high quality, more competent version a la the NBA? Do you want to watch it? Is there a reason to watch it?
It's just that women lack self-awareness and never consider the three important factors when it comes to running a successful enterprise: Have a good product (understand it), know your audience (what they want), let a man run things.
The thing I really like about women's college volleyball is that I don't need to watch it, but, I want to watch it...more than the men's. Why is that?
Are the female volleyball players better than their male counter-parts?
No. They aren't. They are women, however, they are feminine looking, wear make-up and have uniforms that are very appealing to an audience that I want to bet is majority male.
Are the female volleyball players usually or generally good-looking, cute and a delight to see perform?
Yes. yes they are.
Now. Are the WNBA players better than NBA players?
No. They are women, who look like defective men that wear very unflattering uniforms to which are baggy and manly looking.
Are the WNBA players usually or generally good-looking, cute and a delight to see perform?
Most look like butch-dykes and have very masculine features. Also, it is widely a known fact (and testified by other players) that around 70% of WNBA women are lesbian.
The WNBA's main demographic as far as audience/consumers go: Lesbians, white dudes for Harris/Waltz. A very small percentage of the American population watch the WNBA, hence why they bleed money and should be paid less.
The main thing I like about women's college volleyball is that these chicks, so far (hasn't been totally ruined yet) understand what they are doing and who their audience is. They aren't ashamed, in fact, they are very pro-active and capitalistic in their 'marketing' of the product: Women, in tight shorts...jumping around and having a good time.
They understand and know their audience and who is watching: Straight Men. Perhaps, maybe some lesbians, too.
The main reason why we cannot have nice things anymore in society is because a woman has been put in charge or has taken over the role of 'overseer'. Women ruin everything that is either fun, enjoyable and beautiful. More specifically, if men are enjoying, chances are some Bossgirl fat lesbian is going to ban it or change it.
Women are true professionals when it comes to shooting themselves in the foot.
They have this strange tendency and imposter syndrome when it comes to just being a woman, it's unreal. They are so insecure about being a woman, even though we are constantly being told by them how amazing women are, that they go out of their way trying to behave like men.
They[women] want to be like men so badly that they will endure being miserable for the rest of their lives. They think being a man is so easy, because men make it look effortless. It's really difficult being a man, it's just that we tend to not show it because we are too busy doing shit to even care we are tired after a day of yet again, taking on the world.
We don't have time to bitch and moan, cry, because if we did even take a second to do that, the world would grind to a halt and people would starve and die. When women were doing the million woman pussy hat march/protest years ago, did the country shut down? Nope.
Millions of women all over America didn't go to work for a day and yet, nobody noticed. If there were a million man march, the whole country would derail in an instant. Literally, trains would sit at the station, planes would be grounded, refiners would shut down, every conceivable thing that you use daily would not work. That's because everything you see around you is there because a man placed it there.
Do you know what would happen if the WNBA went bankrupt and shut down permanently?
That's right. Nobody would notice.
Yes, Routinely Sexually Objectifying Women Is A Lost Artform
Make no mistake, what I do is an artform. I do it well.
I am a man after all.
Women also routinely sexualize themselves in the mirror every morning, hoping that the right man will do the same to her and then fuck her right in the pussy.
The issue is, men just do it better for them. Men are better at marketing women, than women are. Mad Men is a great T.V. series that illustrated this truth.
As an artist, the task is to depict the world as it truly is using a specific medium. Additionally, an artist will portray or convey something about the world in a manner that others may not have previously considered or observed.
He might present an image to you, depict it, sketch it, or photograph it, or in this scenario discuss it in a way that is incredibly relatable, a skill that others may not possess as effortlessly.
The camel toe is like a wild animal, or an endangered species. There was a time not so long ago in where it was plentiful. Enough to go around for everyone. This era was the early to mid 2000's during the euphoric phase of the yoga pants mania.
I feel utter remorse for Zoomers that they missed such a time in human history. 80% of the women on college campuses were not only fit, attractive, wore make-up and genuinely cared about their outward appearances, but more importantly the majority did something else: They smiled.
Today, Zoomers and the rest of us have to deal with 80% of women being miserable, overweight cunty mouthed feminists who insanely believe that behaving like a man is going to attract a good one. If women can't understand the simple fact that men aren't attracted to manly traits, then there is no hope for these women.
May I remind you that women are allowed to vote?
These are the same individuals who lack the ability to properly sexualize themselves for the betterment of not only themselves, but for the rest of society who have to be assaulted/harassed in public every day by their unattractiveness.
Instead of leggings and yoga pants, you now have to deal with women wearing high-waisted mom jeans in order to hide the fat rolls they've accrued over their short lifespans. We are talking about young women in their mid-twenties already looking like Jabba the Hutt and using all the tricks in the book to pretend like the fat isn't there: mom jeans, high-angled profile photos, and a whole lot of copium.
Ally Williams of the Maryland Terrapins is not only fit and hella attractive, she did one of the simplest things a woman can do in order to be base-line attractive: She smiles.
Women need to be routinely sexually objectified in order to keep them in check. It's very similar in a way to how a baseball pitcher on the mound will look at the runner on first or second base to see if they are seeking to cheat (steal). He will often turn and throw to the first or second basemen as a warning shot to keep them honest.
It's about setting boundaries for women.
Men used to be like me. We used to sexually objectify women daily on the streets, in bars, and at events, rewarding or punishing them based on their behavior.
A good camel toe deserves to be rewarded.
Back in the early 2000's you'd see them everywhere, peaking out from almost every chick's yoga pants like they wanted to say "Helllooo" to every guy that walked passed. Many neck injuries occurred from craning your head-post every fucking minute of the day.
The Cameraman Is An Artist
The man behind the camera for the Terrapins women's volleyball team had a job, and he succeeded. He went for Greatness.
Like I explained before, the camel toe these days is a rare sighting and just doesn't appear liberally. Sometimes you have to wait and be patient for it to come to you. A lot of girls won't sport it, many volleyball girls will go out of their way to make sure it doesn't go wild on them. Like a hunter, you have to sometimes wait in one spot for a long time.
Like a landscape photographer, sometimes you have to take many shots to get the perfect light, shade over the grass, or reflection off of the stream.
Sometimes you have to wait all day for the sky to turn the colors that you want, in order to get the shot you'd prefer. Sometimes you have to manipulate the environment itself in order to bring that about.
While Ally didn't have camel toe in many of the other shots from the photoshoot, she did have it in this particular shot. Did she adjust herself between shots? Did this certain pose create it? Did the cameraman make her laugh and loosen up more? Did he adjust the direction of the lightening?
For whatever reason, there was a moment in where Ally's pussy got hungry and started eating away at her tight shorts. This fortunately produced a camel toe.
It blossomed like a moonflower that only comes alive under the evening stars.
Thusly, our cameraman saw the opportunity and took the shot. Just like a tornado chaser, there was obviously the right ingredients to make Ally eventually produce a F2 styled camel toe. Not too small, shy, and not too big and overpowering. Nicely balanced. It has decent presence. It's noticeable and can't be ignored.
It is important that we talk about it and address it, because after all, it's what women want. Women want to be sexualized and objectified. It is their lifeblood. For women, if nobody notices them, it is akin to the feeling of dying slowing in front of people and watching them not dial 911 or call for help.
Don't believe me, go look at any Instagram for any woman playing college volleyball and try to change my mind.
Rest assured that the photo above was approved by both Ally and the photographer. She knew she had C-Toe, and she's knows we know it, too. Typically, numerous photos are taken, with the best ones selected for use while the others are discarded on the cutting room floor. A collection or catalog of images is then presented to the player for their final approval.
That is why this pilgrimage is so important. We can have nice things again.
This is what they want to take away from you.
Let's make camel toes Great Again, together.
I Present To You, Ally Williams

Ladies, you can smile with more than two lips...