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The Problem With Dating: Bruna Nessif

Follow me, on a journey through stupidity and one woman's self-delusion, as I outline why women like Bruna are culpable for the modern trash that is the 'dating' scene. We will then realize why other women shouldn't listen to carousel riders like Bruna; who has made the grave evolutionary-sexual error of wasting her prime years by riding a menagerie of endless cock; to then expect Christian Grey to come riding in on his private Gulfstream jet and cleanse her soul and vagina with cash and prizes.

Breakdown is at the end. The stupidity and delusions are highlighted in yellow. Contradictions are in red.

Long story short: Bruna didn't have to waste a sexless year in order to discovery some basic shit about inter-sexual dynamics. She didn't learn anything.

I Stopped Having Sex for a Year and Here's What I Learned

"I had to fight overwhelming sexual urges just to prove a point to myself."

I haven't had sex in over a year, and the trek through my personal Mojave Desert has been both enlightening and frustrating (for obvious reasons).

Why the self-induced dry spell? It all started in late 2015, when a hot guy in one of my friend’s Instagrams made me stop mid-scroll. After some double taps on his page, he let me know the interest was mutual by sliding into my DMs. And much to my simultaneous delight and surprise, there was actual substance in our conversations. It didn’t take long before the DMs turned to texts and the texts turned to phone calls every single day. I had a serious case of OMG-am-I-about-to-be-in-a-relationship giddiness. But that didn’t last long. Amid entering we-are-but-we-aren’t territory, I learned that he had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and wasn’t looking for anything serious. Instead of making peace with that and letting it go, I acted like I was fine with his disclaimer because the chemistry between us was too strong to ignore (and, let’s be real, I was in denial).

Clearly, things were a pretty healthy start.

I kept trying to tell myself that I was cool with having sex with a guy who didn't want to be my boyfriend. I was cool with knowing that he was talking to other girls. I was cool with the fact that it was just sex and nothing else, because as R. Kelly said, there's nothing wrong with a little bump and grind. Except none of that was true and R. Kelly should never be someone you turn to for advice on anything, ever.



I couldn’t hold up the façade with our situation for long, though, and my DM Casanova became the catalyst for making a much deeper lifestyle change. I was tired of playing out the same scenario with different guys, so after coming to terms with the fact that I wanted something he wasn’t willing to give me, we turned our situationship into a platonic friendship, and I started doing some inward digging to figure out why I was always engaging in behavior that never aligned with what I wanted.

Whether it was my first boyfriend cheating on me because I was scared to ditch my V-card or the mere fact that our generation tends to look at sex as a means-to-an-end instead of a privilege, I was somehow made to believe that having sex was necessary to make a guy like me — and if I didn’t do it, then poof, he was going to disappear and it’d be my fault. Sad!

So, in an effort to alter that mindset, I decided I was going to abstain from casual sex. I told myself I wouldn’t give it up until the guy I was talking to made me feel like the goddess I am. No more worrying about other women, because the right guy will make it clear that I’m all he sees. Boom. The trouble is: finding that guy and ending my dry spell might take longer than I thought.

I was so hyped those first few months, because I felt like I was finally reclaiming my power and no one could tear me down. But when I surpassed the six-month mark, the initial surge of self-empowerment began to fade, and I found myself doubting the whole experiment and wanting to throw in the towel. The little horny devil on my shoulder would say things like, “Does this really matter? Get some, girl!” And in all honesty, I was starting to get pissed, because all I kept coming across were what I like to call “sometimey” guys — the I’m-only-in-it-when-I-want-to-be-in-it guys. That’s frustrating enough on its own, without adding the fact that I had to fight overwhelming sexual urges just to prove a point to myself.

Meanwhile, some of my friends made the idea of quitting this journey that much harder to ignore. Because I’m the token single friend, some of my girlfriends loved living vicariously through me, so my decision to willingly give up “wild sex with strangers” was almost like putting them on lockdown, too. “Ugh, Bruna, it’s just sex, stop thinking so much!” they’d tell me. I wondered if they were right.

Then I’d have the maybe-joking-but-probably-serious sexual invitations from some of my oh-so-generous guy friends and former flings to put me out of my self-induced misery with a casual hook up. Temptation was at an all-time high, to say the least. But ultimately, I never gave in. I was going to power through, because I owed it to myself, and it didn’t matter if anyone understood why I was doing this or not.

After that hump (pun intended), the hormones settled down a bit (or they just gave up). My urges came to a simmer, and I found myself approaching the one-year mark — and I’m still going. I know that going a week without getting laid may seem like cruel and unusual punishment for some, and although a year of no sexual intimacy whatsoever has been tough, it’s not that difficult for me. My sex life wasn’t off-the-charts to begin with, so it wasn't like I was dodging D everywhere I turned. I went on dates as usual, but nothing really panned out.

Still, I find myself having mixed feelings about the entire experience. There was a hint of sadness at the realization that I’ve gone a year without coming across a man I liked who was also willing to invest in me. Why was that? Was it the men I was choosing or was it a consequence of having an old-school approach in a time where people don’t value basic dating principles anymore? I can’t say. All I know is keeping the proverbial chastity belt on lockdown didn't become the secret trick to get a guy to drop his roster and make me his MVP. But I’m OK with that, because that was never the motive to begin with.

This experience was like giving myself some tough love. And as frustrating (sexually and otherwise) as that lesson was, it was necessary. I did this experiment to help trash the mentality of having to throw sex at a man to keep his interest, and to remind myself that I am worth loving without having to spread my legs first. I stuck to my guns, and for that reason alone, the disappointment was overshadowed with immense pride. I wanted to stop putting myself in scenarios that made me feel disposable, and I did. I wanted to wait for the man who would bet on me, and I still am, because I know what I bring to the table.

Bruna writes the blog, The Problem With Dating.


With a B.A in Communications (emphasis in Broadcast Journalism) from California State University-Fullerton(2008-2011), who first got her Associate of Arts degree from Pasadena City College all the way back in 2006-2009, Bruna Nessif is most definitely a Wall-hitter; passing her expiration date in the sexual market place. I will be generous and peg her at around age 32-34. All based and according to her LinkedIn page.

Instead of wasting her prime years, getting worthless degrees and writing about the same generic cliched (Blue Pilled) musings about dating & relationships, that do nothing to help progress true understanding of inter-sexual dynamics, Bruna should've cashed her sexual chips in a LONG time ago. She could've easily (judging by her past pictures and Hollywood status) found a husband by now. Instead, she will live out the rest of her years wondering why guys continue to treat her like a pump station.

What would seem like an interesting experiment and noble pursuit, turned out to be a hilariously conceded waste of time with no real data or groundbreaking findings to report from Bruna, who (as a woman) 'bravely' abstained from "casual sex" for a year. It is nothing more than an attention piece and mental masturbation. Why? Well, for one, what Bruna did was nothing near amazing, stunning or brave. Incels go without sex every year, for multiple years, however, they probably wack-off 3 times a day. That's where we come to my first (of many) points.

In nowhere, throughout the article/experiment, did Bruna mention 'buffing the muffin'; she only said she was giving up "casual sex". She didn't say anything about giving up all sexual behavior; like masturbating.

Bruna, most likely, cheated like hell and mashed her potato 5 times a day. What she did was not difficult, if you consider that factor. Being a woman, yes, giving up Chad's thickness for a year would be tough, but when it comes to sex, men and women are different: Women tend to use sex (mainly) as a power and control tool in order to get/receive cash and prizes, as apposed to needing a release often through natural function of seminal fluid cycles. This can be seen with Bruna's thought process when she said, "I was so hyped those first few months, because I felt like I was finally reclaiming my power and no one could tear me down.

Bruna claims she started this journey of self induced 'Mojave desert' to prove to herself that she was more than just a disposable cum-dumpster and that the goal was not to find her Christian Grey, but instead, to do some 'inner digging' and soul searching. However, that justification soon loses all credibility by the fourth paragraph with her saying, "I told myself I wouldn’t give it up until the guy I was talking to made me feel like the goddess I am.

She essentially was trying to figure out why, at age 32-34, she isn't able to optimize her hypergamy the way she wants at this point in her life. You can glean from the begining that Bruna wants to rationalize why she is done with the bad-boy 'sometimey guys' and wants someone to realize that she is a 'goddess' age 32-34...after she has been riding dick for over a decade, at full speed on the carousel.

What Bruna is having a hard time realizing (because women can't self-actualize), is the fact that EVERYONE, yes everyone, is disposable to some extent. The fact is, women just so happen have a shorter time-frame/window of when they are most desirable to the opposite sex; whereas men will age like fine wine or whiskey.

Women, as I have pointed out in my article 12 Years A Hottie, have roughly a twelve year window (little over a decade) when they are most desirable on the sexual market place; when they can afford the highest quality of men that their pussy can afford them (aka their prime fertility years). For women, their sexual marketplace value is directly tied to their fertility.

Bruna is not fooling anyone when it comes to how often she gets pumped & dumped. If anything, she is only fooling herself and rationalizing all of her relationships as having met "really dope men" as per her Youtube video titled, What I Realized After Being Single For 7 Years.

Bruna, in that video piece, alludes to the last 7-10 years of her life being just a carnival of cock and a revolving door of 'situationships'. So, on one hand, in the above article we have Bruna claiming lines like, "My sex life wasn't off the charts to begin with", yet in the same time and space saying things like, "I’m the token single friend, some of my girlfriends loved living vicariously through me, so my decision to willingly give up “wild sex with strangers” and, "I was tired of playing out the same scenario with different guys."

Again, like Bruna had said before, she was doing this for some soul searching and to figure out why guys didn't want to 'invest' in her as a Wall-hitting carousel rider. The delusions are real. Bruna then, towards the end, again, contradicts her premise and states, "finding that guy and ending my dry spell might take longer than I thought. "

Bruna, then acts all confused as to why after going a whole year of not being a complete whore, guys simply still wont throw the checkbook at her. She laments that it's maybe a "consequence of having an old-school approach in a time where people don’t value basic dating principles anymore?" Yes and no, sugar tits.

The problem with Bruna, and women like her, is that it isn't until they are all used up that they then take on a more "traditional" and "old-school" approach to qualifying men for their sex.

Everything a woman does, at any time in her life, is out of convenience for her. In this case, it is convenient for Bruna to transition her sexual strategy from fucking Alphas to trying to snag a provider and make him pay full retail for a product that should be reduced to the bargain bin, in terms of value.

We can see how women, even if they don't realize it, play 'tricks' or employ manipulation in order to optimize their hypergamy. Women are players, too. We can see this when Bruna continues to endlessly ponder, "All I know is keeping the proverbial chastity belt on lockdown didn't become the secret trick to get a guy to drop his roster and make me his MVP." Then again, we see the contradiction of the real reason why she was doing this dry-spell with the line, "But I’m OK with that, because that was never the motive to begin with."

It clearly was, and has been the motive all along, as we have pointed that out numerous times already. Bruna even expressed disappointment in this fact with, "the disappointment was overshadowed with immense pride." Let me explain something to Bruna: When a person is disappointed in means that they cared about the outcome. Bruna's goal and ultimate outcome from all of this was: For her to use her 'trick' method of not being a whore for a year (present her self as Born Again) to see if 'quality' men would take the rotten bait.

Surprise, surprise, you can't put a BMW hood ornament on a 30+ year old Ford and expect people to treat it as the former. Everyone knows what a BMW looks and feels like when you drive it. It's smooth, its sexy; it's tight. Everyone knows what an old Ford feels like, especially when you take it on the highway for a test drive; it's going to fall apart, leak weird shit, and you don't get the same thrill as you would in a nice luxury car that you'd use a diaper on to wipe down at night before bed.

If you want to be treated like a goddess, or like a luxury item, you have to actually be one. You can't fake most men, who want to drive an actual luxery car, and tell them that the Ford is actually the better car.

Then we get to my favorite part of the article: The end. Not only because it's the point where Bruna stops writing, but because of sentences like these: "I wanted to stop putting myself in scenarios that made me feel disposable, and I did. I wanted to wait for the man who would bet on me, and I still am, because I know what I bring to the table," and "I did this experiment to help trash the mentality of having to throw sex at a man to keep his interest, and to remind myself that I am worth loving without having to spread my legs first."

This is the classic Rationalization hamster that women spin when they enter what I like to call: The Fade. Just like how the old 1980's music tracks employed the fade as a stylistic choice for signalling the end of a track,The Fade for women is when the carousel music is starting to wind down; the ride is almost over. It's time to get off.

Bruna, like many other women, treat themselves and allow themselves to be sex objects. They do it everyday in the mirror when they wake up and put on clothes (leggings are just a second skin). Women don't need men to objectify them, because they are the first ones to do it.

Women do this because they understand (consciously or not) that a HUGE portion of their value is tied to their youth & beauty (fertility). Waiting for a "man to bet on you" sounds a lot like how a product on Ebay should be treated: Like a item to be bartered with. Women do this to themselves. They like, deep down inside, for guys to 'bet on' them and bid them up. Bruna is just trying to virtue signal, and trying hard to justify her presumed high value.

If Bruna wants guys to stop seeing her as a sex object, and that she brings more to the table than just her open legs and wet vagina, then I would suggest that she stop presenting herself as such. Bruna has Instagram/Instawhore: A platform to which modern women use to tell the world, "Heyyy....follow me on Instagram to see more shots of my ass...Tee-hee". Here, take a look. After reviewing her pictures, I want you to think long and hard...of what you believe Bruna is presenting to the world in her pictures. After all, a picture tells a thousand words about a person. What does Bruna 'bring to the table' other than her worthless degrees, fading Hollywood career, and her narrowing fertility window?

The problem, though, is Bruna's theory of handing out sex to keep guys interested. Guys are interested in your youth and beauty, first and foremost, because it signals fertility; hence why they want to have sex with you on a more primitive level. This will never change and its something that women, like Bruna, can't seem to accept nor understand. It's like if a guy was complaining that he wishes women would love him the way he loves a woman and wanting her to see past what he brings to the table: Status, strength, provisioning, money, a thick cock perhaps. (Depending on which stage her sexual strategy is in). Guys can't stick their dick in your Associates or Communications degree. What else do you have to offer a man when you are post-Wall? Can you cook, at least? Bruna, in her Youtube video, The Problem With Dating, demands that people (guys) fully invest all of their 'eggs into one basket (one person).

I will leave you all with a wonderful collage, made by yours truly, of Bruna. They are in order of sexual marketplace value; starting from the Prime years, to the Wall-hitting years.


Note: When she started the whole Pepé Le Pew hair phase...that was the transition into spinsterhood. Full Instawhore found here.


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