Original Story at DailyMail

A New Jersey elementary school teacher, Laura Caron, allegedly had a child with one of her former students, 13, who lived with her for several years — and was caught when the teen’s father noticed a similarity between his son and the child on social media.
Laura Caron, a fifth-grade teacher, is accused of sexually assaulting her ex-pupil when they lived together in her home between 2016 and 2020.
Caron, 34, first met her victim when she taught him and his brother in the fifth grade at Middle Township Elementary School in southern New Jersey.
The boy, born in 2005, and his family remained close with their former teacher and his parents allowed their sons and daughter to sleep over at Caron’s house a couple nights a week.
Eventually, the three siblings lived permanently with Caron between 2016 and 2020, sharing a bedroom.
During that time, Caron allegedly had “inappropriate sexual relations” with her former pupil and later became pregnant.
The boy’s sister told prosecutors that she remembered going to sleep with her brother in the same room, but woke up to find him sleeping in Caron’s bed.
The unidentified girl claimed Caron began sleeping with her brother when he was 11 years old.
The unidentified teen victim, who is now between 19 and 20 years old, revealed to investigators the sexual relationship with Caron and that he fathered his former teacher’s child.
Listen To The Monologue About New Jersey Teacher, Laura Caron
My fellow readers, I've seen some pretty wild female sex scandal teacher cases over the years, but this one by far has to be the most insane one I've ever read. Numerous questions remain unanswered by the authorities, the accused, and the victim's family.
Additionally, we must consider Laura and her feelings. It's important to include women in the discussion, as excluding them may lead to accusations of bigotry and sexism.
So, the most important question though that we must ask Laura is of course: "Did you cum?" We know the victim did; Laura got pregnant!
The other more serious questions I would like to ask include the following:
Where were the parents this whole time; Are they rich jet-setters or business people that needed Caron as a nanny of sorts?
Or, are they degenerates that divorced and cannot care for their offspring (It is New Jersey after all)?
Why did they let their kids permanently stay with Ms. Caron for 4 years?
What the hell is going on with women in New Jersey?
What we know or can accurately assume from the information provided:
There is no mention of a boyfriend or husband for Laura Caron; she was between the ages of 25-29 during the years of 2016-2020.
Laura's fertility was peaking by age 27; she was about to enter into the 'Epiphany phase'.
Laura was single, and undoubtedly horny with a side of baby-rabies.
Laura was grooming the victim not just for physical pleasure, but for the purpose of actually getting pregnant by him once he came of age (likely around 12ish-13).
She clearly wasn't using birth control or any protection.
Laura either thought the risk of getting pregnant was low with a boy as young as our victim. She is a woman after all, and women are pretty stupid. Or, she knew exactly what she was doing; trying to get pregnant by a 13 year old boy; which is also a stupid idea.
Laura is either stupid or really retarded. Take your pick.
The victim and his siblings stopped living with Caron when she became pregnant.
14 was apparently too old for Laura; she couldn't wait until he was at least 18, why? She knew she'd be an old lady (age 34 +) by now with maybe two good eggs left.
New Jersey Female Teacher, Laura Caron, Played Basketball For Cabrini University
Upon doing my due diligence for this case, I stumbled upon some old photos of Laura. It turns out, she had a basketball stint at Cabrini University.
What's really surprising here after knowing all of this, is that Laura is not a dyke.
By the way, have you ever heard of Cabrini U?
Neither have I.
Had I or anyone ever heard of Laura Caron before she had sex a with a 11 year to 13 Year old boy and had his baby? Probably not.
Her basketball career, like the birth control and protection that she used with the victim, was practically non existent. All I know is that Laura had suffered a major injury (probably to her brain due to her clear mental illness) during the 2011-2012 season and missed the whole year. It was her last year.
That's okay though, because Greatness can happen at anytime in your life and it doesn't have to be on the court or on a field. People will remember Laura not for her one-on-one skills with the girls; every one now knows she played horrible defense with a barely teen boy and let him dunk. He scored within the shot clock time for sure.
Laura Caron Isn't The First Female Teacher To Have Raped & Been Impregnated By Her Male Student
Over the years we have seen some of the female teachers become pregnant via having illicit sex/rape with a male student. Just recently within the last year we covered two other female teachers, Rebecca Joynes and Alissa McCommon, who both had sex with their students and got pregnant by their victims. There is also more instances in the affidavits of these cases in where it is being reported that a lot of these teachers are having unprotected sex with their victims.
Rebecca Joynes was around age 30 when she got pregnant by her student after raping him. Alissa McCommon was around age 38 when she got pregnant from raping her student.
Does anyone remember Laura Lynn Cross? She was in her mid 30's when she became pregnant from raping her student for about 3 years. Interesting enough, Laura Lynn Cross also appealed to the boy's mother at the time she was grooming him in order for the mom to let him stay with her and have a court approved, 'partial parental custody' the mother's their son. The boy was 14 years old, old enough to shoot power ropes.
Just a few months ago we covered Robyn Rogers, which was also a very similar case to Cross' and our current one with Caron's. Roger's was in her 40's. Although she never got pregnant by her teen boy victim, she convinced her victim's mom to let the son live with her since his uncle couldn't care for him due to his 'immigration status' was becoming a problem. Rogers wasted no time and began grooming and having sex with the boy a month into the arrangement. At 44 years old, unlikely she'd get pregnant, but my suspicion is she was trying to.
Jennifer Fitchter, 29, met a 17 year old student for sex several times in her car. Became pregnant with his baby but later had it aborted. Professed her love about the victim to his mother.
Katherine Harper was 27 and married at the time when she was sexting and having sex with a 15-year old student; she also became pregnant around the time she was having sex with him.
I might be misses some, but I think you all get the idea and the trend formation happening here.
A Trend Is Forming; The Female Teachers between the ages 27-38 Are Trying To Get Pregnant By Their Students More So
According to my data, the female teachers that have been getting pregnant by their student victims all fall within a age range that skews toward the upper end of the fertility cycle. No, I am not suggesting these women are more fertile or that women in general are more fertile during the age range of 27-38.
In fact, I am suggesting the opposite. I am suggesting that these women know to some degree that their biological clock is ticking and that they are purposefully targeting and going after teen boys in order to get pregnant and have better odds of doing so at their dusty ages.
Do you remember when you were a teen boy? You could shoot a load across the room with such power and vigor, your jizz was at its most potent and your hormones at the highest during puberty. You could get a chick pregnant probably by osmosis if you wanted. You could cum in her ass and still somehow manage to get her pregnant.
Some of these women were married at the time; some were not.
The majority of the cases we cover though do involve female teachers that are either married or newly married.
I suspect most of them are trying to cuck their husbands/boyfriends and are trying to get pregnant by their teen student. I am coming to this conclusion at this point in all the years covering these, yes.
I am starting to believe that the reason why we aren't seeing, or haven't seen too many young female teachers getting pregnant by their student is because they are either still on birth control, or using protection given the fact that they are still in their 'party years' or 'sport fucking' years rather. I am referring to the odd female teacher that we have seen who is between the ages of 21-24. Most of the cases involve them sucking and fucking in the backseat of their car. Most likely they are indeed taking cream-pies left, right and center, but are using the pill still.
These more seasoned female teachers are definitely not on the pill. Most are off it because they are either newly married, trying to have kids (cuck their husband) or went off the pill to have children with their husband, and stayed off it and are also fucking their student. The female teacher's that are single are trying to get pregnant because they know 30+ is around the corner and it is their Hail Mary throw.
The Report Card
New Jersey female teacher, Laura Caron, played the long game on this one; she somehow convinced the boy's parents to let him and his two other siblings first stay over periodically and then permanently for 4 years straight.
Obviously there was a high level of trust going on her between Laura and the boy's parents. Laura, like a typical woman, chose to abuse the trust and the halo effect that many in society give to female teachers in general.
Caron, now 34, and the alleged victim, born in 2005, first met when she taught him and his brother in the 5th grade.
The boy’s parents became close with Caron over the years and even allowed their sons and daughter to spend some nights at Caron’s house, before the children stayed there permanently in 2016 for some time
What I still don't get or understand is where were the parents between 2016-2020? It's understandable if your parents somehow became trustworthy or friends with your teacher and let you stay over some nights when you were little if they were that close. However, letting your teacher be a ward or consent to a more permanent guardianship for 4 years is a wild concept. There has to be some sort of justification here.
Were the parents huge degenerates and didn't want to play 'house' anymore, so they dumped their kids off on the teacher? Did the parents divorce or separate, sell the house, and needed time and space to get their shit together so they let their trusting teacher friend co-parent with them?
Or, are the parents very well-to-do and are the type that jet-set to Saint Martin or Morocco every weekend for business and don't have time to raise the kids they should've never had in the first place? Trust me, I had friends growing up with these types of 'parents'.
The one kid I knew, we'll call him Dicky.
In high school, I played hockey with a guy who always showed up to games or practices in a taxi because his parents were never around. His father ran a private consulting business and frequently traveled to various islands or Europe. His mother was similar in this regard (they eventually divorced). I swear to this day his dad was either in the mafia or worked for CSIS, which for you Americans is the Canadian version of the CIA.
Dicky would always either take a cab or carpool with another player to tournaments. Basically hotel room surfing with a different hockey family every tournament or game out of town. It was like Dicky was apart of your family and ever other players family on the team. It was fun, but also sad in a way to see. How a kid like that could have so much (rich, best hockey gear, clothes, electronics) but have so very little all at once.
The boy’s sister claimed to investigators that she noticed how her brother would often wake up in Caron’s bed despite falling asleep in the siblings’ shared room.
It's remarkable that the breakthrough in this case came when the boy's father, years later, noticed the striking similarity between Caron's baby and his own son's features. Suddenly, the father became attentive and observant. Daddy finally cared. Had the parents been more present, they might have heard something from the boy's sister or brother about the suspected abuse.
She[the victim's sister] also reportedly told officers when her brother would shower, the accused would enter the bathroom and lock the door.
The enormity of this case is wild. You have to think about what happened here on both a physical and emotional level. This boy, more than likely, experienced all of his 'firsts' with his semi-attractive female teacher. Remember, Caron didn't waste any time and probably started touching and kissing this boy as soon as 2016 rolled around and he was living with her permanently.
From 2016-2020, when this boy was between the ages of 11-13, Laura was most likely his first kiss, the first girl to give him a handjob, a blowjob, make him nut, and the first he'd ever have sex with. The groomjob she did on this kid is extreme. The boding effect from it would be intense, experiencing all those unique moments and feelings in just that amount of time.
The real crime here is that Laura just ruined masturbation for this kid aside from him being on the hook now for potential child support. Think about it, this kid was 11 when it started. Never even got to tug it on his own. She probably even started having 'practice sex' with him. So, he has sex with her for 4 years and then she gets pregnant, has to stop living with her. No more sex and then eventually the whole thing blows up.
Going from having sex with your semi-attractive 28-year old female teacher as a 11-13 year old hormonal boy, to then having to masturbate is like driving a Ferrari for 4 years and then suddenly the IRS audits you, impounds your luxury car and now you have to drive a Toyota Camry.
In all seriousness, Laura acted as if this boy were her live-in boyfriend. She quickly showed favoritism towards him over his siblings, creating a status divide. She formed a secret side relationship with him, likely offering additional privileges to ensure he remained close and didn't drift away from being her 'lover'.
Sharing showers and allowing him to sleep in her bed at night. How old are his siblings? Did she not consider that they might figure it out or be aware of the situation? Why act so recklessly or carelessly? Oh, that's right, Laura has the mental maturity level of a 13-year-old boy. She's a woman. And we have said it time and time again: Women do not mature (intellectually) past high school; they are the most responsible teenager in the room.
Having known the victim since 5th grade and being familiar with his parents, forming a friendship with them to the extent that they allowed you to permanently house and care for their son and his two siblings for four consecutive years, only to groom the victim from ages 11 to 13 while in your care, represents the most elaborate long-term strategy to getting pregnant that we've encountered in a female teacher sex scandal case.
That is the definition of a pedophile pre-ordering her teen boy version of an fertility treatment kit.
When Laura Caron's pregnancy was discovered by friends and family, she lied to them all and told them that the 'father' was going to be out of the picture (pretending to be a single mom). Basically alluding to others that she was pumped and dumped (believable in this culture) or had a one-night stand. Obviously, looking like a bar slut who has one-night stands and gets cream-pied on the first date looks less embarrassing these days than saying you raped a minor and got impregnated by him!
Friend Darlene Dowless told the New York Post: “She had a baby shower. She was happy about it. But she didn’t identify who the father was, at least not to me. She just said that he wouldn’t be involved and was out of the picture.” She added that Caron got hundreds of dollars in gifts at the celebration.
Laura not only put in the time, the effort and the passion; she not only just had sex with her teen desire. She took it even further and let him impregnate her once he turned 13 and shot his first ropes.
Laura was a terrible basketball player for Cabrini University Athletics; it's a good thing she got injured in her last season.
Laura was a terrible female teacher; a role model and member of her community by violating the trust and physical well-being of a minor.
Laura, however, is possibly one of the greatest female sex scandal teachers we've covered in a long while!
Now, this is where things kinda start to fall apart for Laura (if they haven't already in her life).
She just came...off the high of receiving two A+ grades in the last two categories; a pretty rare accomplishment on this blog. With that said, this category is where most female sex scandal teachers lose it, because after all, this is most important category. It's why Laura got pregnant. It's why boys and guys in general even give a damn and would skip a evening of Fornite with their buddies.
We need to assess Laura's appearance from the perspective of the average teenage boy. This is the lens we view it through. We can also take Laura's age into consideration and how she looks 'for her age'.
For 28-34, Laura looks around mid for her age group; an under-fucked Millennial. She is showing signs of aging out fast, however. For the perspective of a teen boy, getting hit pussy like that right out of the gate is like winning the lottery. It's no surprise he went for the cream pie.

Crows feet like that at 34 and hair thinning like your average Reddit gooner. Not good. The victim for sure got her 'best years'.
Laura, like many women, seem to have an issue when it comes to realizing that there are other people in this world beside them. Other people, like me, that need a certain amount (and diversity) of photos in order to access what grade I should give regarding their appearance and how hot their body is! Other people like the ones in class (my readers) right now who also don't like to be disrespected or teased.
Laura, I'll say this just once. You are a teacher involved in a female sex scandal. You chose this path, and it carries certain responsibilities.
I understand that women and responsibilities can be like opposing magnetic poles. The one job you had was to have an array of social media pictures for us. Maybe a Youtube video or Tiktok. You're a woman.

Top Right: Laura def gives off that early 2009-13 college slut vibe.
I remember that look.
Left: Is what a woman looks like after she's been involved in casual relationships throughout college, wasted her youth and twenties partying and going through failed relationship after failed relationship due to the inability to form lasting bonds. By 30+, she desperately needed to get pregnant.
Every woman is on social media these days, they need to be or else they feel like killing themselves for not getting enough attention already as is. So, where is your Facebook? Where is your IG? How come it was taken down already? I wasn't late to the game, I found this story well within the 24-48 hour red alert period! Why did I have to bother to contact a 3rd party website for a few of your outdated FB photos that they somehow got before I did?

When his dad recognizes a resemblance VS. When he cream-pies deep
Overall Grade
Final Comments: It's painfully clear that Laura can be certified as a true female sex scandal teacher; she not only had sex with the boy for 4 years, but she also went as far as to give birth to his child. The passion cannot be denied here. She could've aborted the baby, but she didn't. She wanted to get pregnant.
Laura is obviously good in the field, however, her presentation skills are lacking.
It's great to have good hands on game, but not having a well rounded and polished digital presentation for the class is something of a faux pas in this industry. Something we do not take lightly. Laura is just lucky she is half decent looking, had some photos and scored well in her other categories.
However, without any bikini shots, or just body shots in general, we can never really know if Laura would ever be the greatest female sex scandal teacher, ever. Her age was already a severe handicap. If Laura was in her early twenties when she did this, she'd be hands-down on my dick, the greatest to come along in a decade at least.
But that's women for ya, they could be great; they just choose not to be.