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Feb 9, 20188 min read
Why You Disdain Normies
We have covered the topic of the 80% before, the normies as we call them; the type of people who spew stupid proverbs, first thing in the...

Jan 28, 20185 min read
Men Are Better Than Women At Running A Business
If you are being real honest with yourself, you would admit that men are better than women at most things in life. Evidence: Pretty much...

Jan 27, 20185 min read
Tinderella & The Gent: How Women Optimize Their Hypergamy in Modern Society
Back in October of 2017 my article 12 Years A Hottie was published on Return of Kings. In this piece of writing I outlined the case in...

Jan 8, 20182 min read
Ontario's Minimum-Wage Hike Is Just Free Parking
A lot of “experts” have been on T.V. lately, lamenting how the hike in minimum wage by over 20% this year will benefit the Ontario...

Jan 8, 20186 min read
Why You Will Never Be Rich
One of the main reasons why Wayne Gretsky was so great—and he even said this too—was because he never went where the puck was, but where...

Dec 30, 20178 min read
Self-Awareness Vs. Normie Syndrome: How Self-Actualization Sets You Free
Having self-awareness will ultimately prevent you from being influenced by society into becoming a normie. What this all boils down to,...

Dec 17, 20178 min read
Where Have All The Christian Grey's Gone?
The song Where Have All the Cowboys Gone by Paula Cole should be the unofficial anthem of the modern feminist and women alike today....

Dec 16, 20172 min read
Why Older (Established) Men Look At Women Half Their Age
The following reality is brought to you by Science <3 Women sometimes ask, "Why are older men looking at women half their age". This has...

Nov 27, 20176 min read
The Future of Retail
The automation of grocery stores and retail chains in general was always inevitable. However, this process will happen sooner than...

Nov 19, 20175 min read
Why The Night Shift Is Superior
The third shift, dog shift, or the graveyard is one of the best gigs you can get. Moon marauding is not for normies, however. Studies...

Aug 21, 20174 min read
Got a High Credit Score? You May Have a Better Chance at Becoming a Sucker
It’s always cute when modern media and society confuses love with legalized prostitution. When I read this article out of Bloomberg this...

Jul 26, 20172 min read
Phelps Vs Fake Shark (What It Tells Us About the Masses)
It really pains me to say that Shark Week is a documentary. This whole thing about Michael Phelps racing a Great White (a digital shark)...

Jul 26, 20173 min read
Dunkirk (a Rant)
After seeing the movie Dunkirk and then witnessing what some bitch named Brian Truitt wrote in USA today, I have to give my two cents....

Jun 15, 20174 min read
The Curse & Blessings of Being Highly Intelligent
If you follow this blog (and others like it)--we don't discuss things like "How to Take the Perfect Selfie," or "What Dildo did Kim...

Jun 8, 20176 min read
The Antidote for Modern Life
From 1999 to 2012 the percentage of Americans on antidepressants increased from 6.8% to 13%, according to a report published this week by...

Jun 5, 20174 min read
What Does Time Mean To You?
Time is the most precious commodity you have in life. As soon as you're born the timer starts, and you are constantly losing that energy...

May 17, 20175 min read
Dating & the Stock Market
Investing from an early age is the smartest thing one can do. Being fortunate enough to have strong male role-models in my life, my...

May 15, 20175 min read
The Value of Shitty Jobs
At some point in your life you should work some sort of shitty minimum-wage job[preferably a retail job as a young adult]. This advice is...

May 14, 20178 min read
Ghosting Society
Artwork by Tony Skeor John Galt in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged is a character that embodies everything we have been seeing in the last few...

May 8, 20173 min read
Mondays are Great (It's your 'job' that sucks)
All "jobs" suck. That's why it is called a job. A job is where you go to do things that you have no desire in doing. A job is where you...
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