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Feb 5, 201916 min read
Poor People Invest In Poor Choices
Your life is the sum of the choices you make. Whether you've chose to invest your time wisely is up to you. And yes, you have a choice in...

Dec 24, 201815 min read
The Average Person Spends Their Life Waiting for Their Life to Happen
The trap that most people will fall into is waiting; they wait for others or the world for that matter, to do things for them. Hopelessly...

Dec 13, 20185 min read
It's Always Cloudy In CorporateLand
Right at this moment I am doing one of my favorite past-times here in Florida: Sipping on a cold beer in the condo lanai; watching senior...

Nov 9, 201810 min read
Why Don’t You Go Get A ‘Real Job’?!: The Words Of A Loser
Losers are everywhere today. Pathetic inferior individuals, who at every turn in their life seek to waste their finite and valuable time...

May 24, 20182 min read
Interview: Best-Selling Author, Piero San Giorgio, And I Discuss Men, Women, Hypergamy And The Colla
Every now and then we get an amazing message-in-a-bottle here on the Red Island. Instead of hate-mail, I for once received a contact from...

May 15, 20184 min read
Never Bring Your Kids To Las Vegas
It is almost virtually impossible to have a horrible time in paradise. I can literally lose all my money and still not be bothered by it...

Apr 22, 20188 min read
Why You Hate Your 'Job': Reasons Why You Are Feeling Unfulfilled As A Slave
We have covered a variation of this topic before on The Red Island in a post titled All Jobs Suck: Why ‘Dream Jobs’ Don’t Exist. What I...

Apr 19, 20188 min read
Going Your Own Way: Why the 8-Hour Work Day Needs to Die
If there ever were such a thing called Suicide Fuel it would be the 8-hour a day, 40hr work week; along with mid-level managers and the...

Feb 22, 20188 min read
9 Things The Rich Do That The Poor Don't: Why You Are Still Broke
Have you ever thought about how some people can become incredibly wealthy while the rest of society just falls flat on their face, not...

Feb 6, 20183 min read
The Island In You
I ask of you to think of the last time you went on vacation, to perhaps a tropical destination or climate that is unlike the concrete...

Feb 2, 20186 min read
All Jobs Suck: Why ‘Dream Jobs’ Don’t Exist
One thing that people, more specifically millennials today, need to get through their thick, entitled heads is that you will never find...

Jan 8, 20186 min read
Why You Will Never Be Rich
One of the main reasons why Wayne Gretsky was so great—and he even said this too—was because he never went where the puck was, but where...

Dec 30, 20178 min read
Self-Awareness Vs. Normie Syndrome: How Self-Actualization Sets You Free
Having self-awareness will ultimately prevent you from being influenced by society into becoming a normie. What this all boils down to,...

Dec 17, 20178 min read
Where Have All The Christian Grey's Gone?
The song Where Have All the Cowboys Gone by Paula Cole should be the unofficial anthem of the modern feminist and women alike today....

Nov 20, 20176 min read
Dude-Bro Economics: The Rat-Race Trap
The real issue that we here, on the Red Island, take with normies, dude-bro’s, and basic-bitches is that all the information is out there...

Nov 19, 20175 min read
Why The Night Shift Is Superior
The third shift, dog shift, or the graveyard is one of the best gigs you can get. Moon marauding is not for normies, however. Studies...

Aug 2, 20173 min read
Why the Trivago Guy Appeals to Women (A Branding Success Story)
Depending on your level of sleeplessness (or you don’t watch regular TV anymore), you may or may not be aware of the Trivago Guy, the...

Jun 8, 20176 min read
The Antidote for Modern Life
From 1999 to 2012 the percentage of Americans on antidepressants increased from 6.8% to 13%, according to a report published this week by...
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