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Sep 9, 20191 min read
Western Women Are Oppressed By Their Own Privilege
In This Episode: We discuss how women handle freedom, multiple choice, and the unlimited possibilities handed to them by our Gynocentric...

Aug 14, 20195 min read
So, What Do You Do…For A Living? (AKA—How Do You Suck The Day’s Dick?)
There are a lot of dick-suckers in the world. They are easy to spot at a party. The best way to tell if you are talking to a mega...

Jul 13, 20191 min read
Modern Yoga Classes Are Emotional Masturbation Clinics For Women
In this Episode: 80% of society are disgustingly fat, lazy fucks; majority of women look like a manatee. The 'self love' society will...

Mar 25, 201914 min read
Why Your Female Boss Is An Incompetent Cunt
Women can’t manage their emotions, so how can they be expected to manage individuals, effectively? Multiple studies have shown that...

Feb 5, 201916 min read
Poor People Invest In Poor Choices
Your life is the sum of the choices you make. Whether you've chose to invest your time wisely is up to you. And yes, you have a choice in...

Jan 18, 20197 min read
Ontario PC's Cut Tuition Fees, Eliminate 'Free' Tuition For Low-Income Students
To an outsider, it is very clear that nobody in Canada has read Aaron Clarey's masterpiece, Worthless. The other day, Ontario's...

Dec 24, 201815 min read
The Average Person Spends Their Life Waiting for Their Life to Happen
The trap that most people will fall into is waiting; they wait for others or the world for that matter, to do things for them. Hopelessly...

Dec 17, 20183 min read
The Struggles of a Zero-Fucks Author (Part III)
Dedicated to all those who say the moronic words of, "Get a real job". It has been about one week into my excruciating trip down here, in...

Dec 15, 20187 min read
The Struggles of a Zero-Fucks Author
Dedicated to all those who say the moronic words of, "Get a real job". Some days I really feel like throwing it all away and going back...

Dec 14, 20188 min read
The 'Reserved' Bottle: A Woman's 'Best' Sex
You can call him Poindexter, call him whatever you wish. Yesterday, in a previous post, I mentioned the moniker of the 'Doughboy'. Now, I...

Nov 9, 20185 min read
Positively Hot: Why 'Body Positivism' Is For Lazy Fucks
When looking at the thumbnail for this article, ask yourself: “Which version of the above chick would you rather plunge your cock into?”...

Nov 9, 201810 min read
Why Don’t You Go Get A ‘Real Job’?!: The Words Of A Loser
Losers are everywhere today. Pathetic inferior individuals, who at every turn in their life seek to waste their finite and valuable time...

Aug 31, 20185 min read
Feminism: Before & After
As you may or may not know, the upcoming month of September is a huge month in terms of cancer awareness. Many types of cancer ribbons...

Aug 7, 20185 min read
I Love You, Beth Cooper's Butt
When I come home after a night of drinking, I usually like to throw on a random from The Movie Network. The other night I chose I Love...

Jul 24, 201815 min read
Escorting Hypergamy
Without a doubt, the invention of yoga pants and its explosion onto the mass market, has increased a woman’s (not a fat woman's) ability...

May 15, 20184 min read
Never Bring Your Kids To Las Vegas
It is almost virtually impossible to have a horrible time in paradise. I can literally lose all my money and still not be bothered by it...

Apr 28, 20183 min read
Women At Work: In-fighting Between Women In The Workplace Is The Real 'Glass Ceiling'
Who would have thought, that women experience more ‘rudeness’ and abuse from other women more so than from their male counterparts in the...

Apr 22, 20188 min read
Why You Hate Your 'Job': Reasons Why You Are Feeling Unfulfilled As A Slave
We have covered a variation of this topic before on The Red Island in a post titled All Jobs Suck: Why ‘Dream Jobs’ Don’t Exist. What I...

Apr 19, 20188 min read
Going Your Own Way: Why the 8-Hour Work Day Needs to Die
If there ever were such a thing called Suicide Fuel it would be the 8-hour a day, 40hr work week; along with mid-level managers and the...

Apr 9, 20187 min read
The Endless Summer Effect: A Modern Woman’s Delusion
With the inception of Tinder and other dating apps, along with social media platforms—couple this with unrestrained female nature...
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